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5521. PCR works first time, then not! - (reply: 1)
5522. RT product check - Can I qualify my cDNA? (reply: 2)
5523. large fragment cloning - (reply: 2)
5524. wierd plasmids: maxi-prep never work - (reply: 13)
5525. Banding in agarose gel wells. - amplified fragment will not migrate! (reply: 7)
5526. A question about adenovirus infection 293 cells - (reply: 5)
5527. Cloning long fragments - (reply: 18)
5528. a question about mutagenesis - (reply: 5)
5529. RT-PCR, why two PCR steps? - two PCRs after reverse transcription?? (reply: 2)
5530. Annealing Temperatures - RT-PCR (reply: 1)
5531. total rna extraction from whole blood - for rt pcr (reply: 3)
5532. Does phenol affect Norhern blot? - need your advice (reply: 3)
5533. mRNA of bacteria - (reply: 1)
5534. DNA arrays for low gene expression ? - (reply: 1)
5535. PCR is6110 Tuberculosis - Non specific amplification (reply: 2)
5536. MC57G cells and transfection - (reply: 1)
5537. Na2Hpo4 , NaH2po4 or both in Church buffer ?! - (reply: 2)
5538. PCR from BAC - (reply: 1)
5539. Enhance specificity of 5´Race - (reply: 1)
5540. Trouble shooting RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
5541. Band in the negative control - (reply: 1)
5542. Southern protocol - Southern protocol (reply: 4)
5543. genomic library - low transformation (reply: 1)
5544. ligation troubles... - (reply: 2)
5545. yeast complementation - (reply: 2)
5546. transfection efficiency - mammalian cell transfections (reply: 1)
5547. ldh-L promoter primers - Lb.plantarum (reply: 1)
5548. Help! Who has surplus enzymes - Nuclease I? - (reply: 1)
5549. DITHIOTHREITOL - (reply: 6)
5550. pBABE Comp. Cells - Special cells for transformation (reply: 3)