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5251. electroporation question - (reply: 1)
5252. Extraction of genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
5253. PCR-One sample works the other does not? - (reply: 3)
5254. Molecular characterization of tree species - RAPD adn isoenzyme markers (reply: 3)
5255. Control for primer extension - (reply: 2)
5256. How to determine PCR annealing temperature - (reply: 9)
5257. How to label a probe for Northern blotting - (reply: 5)
5258. How to find the transcription start site of an unknown gene? - (reply: 1)
5259. Double Digest problems - (reply: 2)
5260. Cloning Isoforms - (reply: 1)
5261. frameshift after ligation - point-mutation in restriction site (reply: 3)
5262. sometimes I get it sometimes I dont - My PCr does not work always (reply: 9)
5263. Using a big primer in PCR - (reply: 4)
5264. No colony came out on the selective plate - (reply: 2)
5265. allele-specific PCR - detection of SNPs by allele-specific amplification (reply: 4)
5266. Bad OD ratios from Plasmid Minipreps - (reply: 2)
5267. Isolation restr. fragments from agarose gel by Qiagen kit - cloning fungal genomic DNA (reply: 1)
5268. Rephosphorylation of SAP treated DNA fragment - (reply: 1)
5269. how to separate DNA of similar size - (reply: 5)
5270. use of direct current for electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
5271. No PCR product - Environmental samples (reply: 2)
5272. topo cloning - tet casette (reply: 2)
5273. Nucleic acid adherence to plastics - Nucleic acid adherence to plastics (reply: 2)
5274. Does somebody use AvrII - Help (reply: 4)
5275. RNA extraction - RNA from 20yr old frozen breast tissue (reply: 1)
5276. designing probes - identify phage-like sequences (reply: 1)
5277. How to remove PCR inhibitors from DNA - (reply: 7)
5278. cloning problem - cloning problem in GFP vector (reply: 4)
5279. question about UV melting experiments - asking for help with expt method (reply: 1)
5280. deionised formamide - deionised formamide (reply: 1)