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3151. 16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis - stuck!!!!! (reply: 3)
3152. BAC Vector with SalI in MCS? - (reply: 1)
3153. PCR buffers for Taq and Pfu polymerase - (reply: 6)
3154. Taq and Pfu polymerase give different amplification - (reply: 8)
3155. If digestion not adequate, can I recycle the bands and digest again? - (reply: 1)
3156. preparation of probes for northern blotting - preparation of probes for northern blotting (reply: 1)
3157. Methods for primer reconstitution - (reply: 23)
3158. dam negative E. coli - (reply: 4)
3159. Smearing in "Overlap Extension PCR" - (reply: 1)
3160. Help on PCR purification - (reply: 2)
3161. 5' RACE......2* structure? - (reply: 5)
3162. Trireagent or Trizol isolation - (reply: 1)
3163. RFLP for 16S rRNA - (reply: 3)
3164. probe size for DIG-labeled - (reply: 2)
3165. ribosomal binding for pcr product cloning - urgent!!! (reply: 2)
3166. need cDNA synthesis protocol - urgent (reply: 3)
3167. Question about Tag - (reply: 1)
3168. How to find an EXON - (reply: 4)
3169. no result with pcr. is it the primer?/ - no amplification in pcr even after starting from the beginning (reply: 6)
3170. C banding of chromosome - staining problem (reply: 8)
3171. RNA labeled at the 3'-end - (reply: 1)
3172. Difference in strains - (reply: 2)
3173. Extra peak in Electropherogram...Your opinion? - (reply: 6)
3174. RNA precipitation - (reply: 5)
3175. RNA extraction from small cell number - (reply: 4)
3176. how to move for ligation with low conentration of digested plasmid - (reply: 2)
3177. gateway cloning trouble: a lot of false positives colonies - (reply: 3)
3178. pKK233-2 map needed - (reply: 1)
3179. Digesting PCR products - (reply: 2)
3180. plasmid in 1M tris ..URGENT - (reply: 1)