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2071. DB3.1 resistance - (reply: 3)
2072. RNase treatment - genomic DNA sample lost during purification - RNase treatment troubleshooting (reply: 1)
2073. NTSYS Software for analysis - (reply: 1)
2074. STAT-3/phosphoSTAT-3 western blot - (reply: 6)
2075. PCR buffer and PCR efficiency - buffer pH and salt (reply: 2)
2076. How to get the double strand cDNA from bacterial - (reply: 1)
2077. yeast genomic DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
2078. Invitrogen GeneTailor Site-Directed Mutagenesis Reaction--HELP! - (reply: 1)
2079. sequencing - (reply: 3)
2080. lysing yeast - (reply: 2)
2081. TA cloning - (reply: 6)
2082. Protocols for RNA extraction from 5-10mg starting tissue samples - Molecular Biology (reply: 1)
2083. cell concentration calculation - (reply: 2)
2084. size of an endothelial cell - (reply: 2)
2085. Restriction digestion - (reply: 2)
2086. RNA extraction - didnt get ratio 2:1 ( 28s rRNA : 18 s rRNA) - RNA extraction from Tilapia (reply: 2)
2087. Screening of Mouse BAC Clone Libraries - Molecular Biology (reply: 2)
2088. restriction enzymes primers - (reply: 5)
2089. No virus titer and MSCV-mir30 vector problem - HELP (reply: 12)
2090. EMSA probe running weird - (reply: 1)
2091. Ligation:blunt vs single base overhang - an old question? (reply: 5)
2092. Milky solution after adding 100% ethanol - RNA extraction (reply: 6)
2093. proteasome inhibitors - (reply: 1)
2094. Plasmid DNA Sequencing with Universal Primers - (reply: 3)
2095. Fusion PCR - Help ragrding Fusion PCR (reply: 5)
2096. need anealing temp for PCR - (reply: 8)
2097. MSCV mir30 retroviral vector problem - (reply: 2)
2098. phenol/chloro extraction method - (reply: 1)
2099. 10X PBS washing.... - (reply: 3)
2100. Roche produce Blunt or dA tail PCR product? - (reply: 3)