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2671. strange digested vector isolation - (reply: 7)
2672. Restriction digestion - (reply: 7)
2673. How does isopropanol inhibit PCR? - (reply: 4)
2674. Screening for a 30bp difference using an agarose gel. - (reply: 4)
2675. Difficulties getting a 4 kb PCR product - (reply: 5)
2676. yeast transformation efficiency issues - (reply: 4)
2677. Yet another PCR problem/question - (reply: 11)
2678. Do I need add pEGFP to the N-terminal? - (reply: 8)
2679. Genomic DNA Isolation kit for Gram Positive? - can you recommend one for L.lactis? (reply: 5)
2680. ssDNA purification - (reply: 2)
2681. pGEM T easy vector for cloning - (reply: 29)
2682. plant DNA extraction protocol - troubleshooting (reply: 6)
2683. Multiple point mutations - (reply: 1)
2684. PCR product multiple bands - (reply: 3)
2685. PCR BLOck contamination? - better anti-contaminant PCR - tube? (reply: 15)
2686. Any primer design programs...? - (reply: 8)
2687. My single restriction enzyme digestion doesn't work - Digestion problem, no cutting. (reply: 32)
2688. concentrate RNA - (reply: 3)
2689. nucleic acids gel densitometry - (reply: 1)
2690. dna fingerprinting - (reply: 1)
2691. TOPO TA CLONING KIT - (reply: 13)
2692. DNA marker - (reply: 2)
2693. about mutant plasmid construction - (reply: 3)
2694. Ligating multiple DNA fragments - (reply: 4)
2695. Phosphatase treatment of sticky ended products? - (reply: 7)
2696. chloramphenicol. - what is going on now?! (reply: 18)
2697. Problems with AnnexinV-FITC staining - (reply: 2)
2698. Northern Blot problem - problem with Northern blot (reply: 2)
2699. Who has used Mung Bean Nuclease and How Its effect?! - (reply: 2)
2700. Standard PCR banding? - multiple bands instead of one (reply: 4)