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601. DNA gel electrophoresis problem? - (reply: 5)
602. EXOSAP-IT degrades my PCR products - (reply: 3)
603. Problem with drying down polyacrylamide gel - (reply: 4)
604. high 260/280 ratio after maxiprep - (reply: 2)
605. Do I have to pick signle colony in such a case? - (reply: 4)
606. pkD46 Recobining with itself - (reply: 3)
607. primer design - (reply: 2)
608. Tool for complementary restriction enzymes? - REs producing overhangs to religate (reply: 5)
609. help with degenerate primer design - (reply: 1)
610. spatial and temporal patterns of transcription - (reply: 3)
611. PCR: Big Primers = Big Problems (for me) - I'm really not sure what's going on in those poor little tubes... (reply: 2)
612. Mitochondrial isolation and storage. - How do I store (reply: 2)
613. Phenol-Chloroform Extract vs Commercial Kits - (reply: 7)
614. RNA precipitation with DNase treatment - (reply: 1)
615. PBS and STE Buffer - (reply: 2)
616. Amount of DNA to run on gel - Be it from PCR or from DNA extraction steps (reply: 4)
617. annealing complementary oligos prior to biotin labeling - (reply: 1)
618. Lysis buffer - (reply: 1)
619. Question about sonication step for ChIP assay - (reply: 5)
620. Ligation failure - (reply: 1)
621. Maxiprep problems - (reply: 4)
622. PCR Inhibition by DNA? - (reply: 5)
623. Proof-reading and Taq mix - (reply: 3)
624. CaPO4 transfection and Temperature - (reply: 1)
625. RNA gel loading buffer? - (reply: 5)
626. is cDNA sequencing tricky? - (reply: 1)
627. RT-PCR from VERY limited quantity of tissue sample - Need suggestion on RNA isolation and RT kits to maximize cDNA yield (reply: 1)
628. The best way for RNA extraction from cells in RNAlater? - TRI Reagent or RNeasy or something else? (reply: 1)
629. 3 piece ligation - (reply: 2)
630. qPCR standard curve problem - (reply: 1)