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2041. EMSA probe running weird - (reply: 1)
2042. Ligation:blunt vs single base overhang - an old question? (reply: 5)
2043. Milky solution after adding 100% ethanol - RNA extraction (reply: 6)
2044. proteasome inhibitors - (reply: 1)
2045. Plasmid DNA Sequencing with Universal Primers - (reply: 3)
2046. Fusion PCR - Help ragrding Fusion PCR (reply: 5)
2047. need anealing temp for PCR - (reply: 8)
2048. MSCV mir30 retroviral vector problem - (reply: 2)
2049. phenol/chloro extraction method - (reply: 1)
2050. 10X PBS washing.... - (reply: 3)
2051. Roche produce Blunt or dA tail PCR product? - (reply: 3)
2052. RNA extraction from parasite - (reply: 2)
2053. quantitative and semi quantitative assay - bit confusion (reply: 1)
2054. Cloning & Expression - Cloning & Expression (reply: 7)
2055. ChIP assay! - (reply: 1)
2056. Strain? isolate? - (reply: 1)
2057. Optimisation of dCAPS markers (degenerate primers) - problems with detection of heterozygotes (reply: 1)
2058. Dephosphorylation - (reply: 4)
2059. RNA isolation from mouse heart tissue - (reply: 2)
2060. Titration? - (reply: 2)
2061. Ever heard not of Prime Dimers but Primer Multimers? - (reply: 1)
2062. YEAST EXPRESSION - (reply: 1)
2063. How to interpret a Western Blot? - (reply: 5)
2064. Protein isolation - Small size His-tag Protein isolation (reply: 4)
2065. wht is the best way to extract RNA from oocytes stages - (reply: 1)
2066. A. R. grade isopropanol - (reply: 4)
2067. PCR in 96-Well Plate - (reply: 4)
2068. Mix for sequencing - Big Dye buffer necessary or not? (reply: 3)
2069. DNA isolation method form CSF - (reply: 2)
2070. Immunoscreening difficulty - (reply: 1)