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Top : Forum Archives: : Molecular-Biology
4201. Quiagen after Triazol - RNA (reply: 1)
4202. RNA Isolation - Increasing RNA amounts quantitatively and qualit. (reply: 3)
4203. Proof Reading Taq Polymerase - How effective can it be in mutation study (reply: 2)
4204. methylation sensitive restriction site - (reply: 2)
4205. Does Taq have reverse transcriptase activity? - (reply: 20)
4206. promoters in Ecoli DNA - All coding regions have promoters before them? (reply: 1)
4207. RNA quality problem - (reply: 4)
4208. poor RNA quality - (reply: 5)
4209. Primer-primer pairing: can I accept it? - (reply: 4)
4210. Can Taq pol elongate over biotin? - (reply: 1)
4211. large RNA northern - (reply: 2)
4212. Help! RNA in vitro transcription - (reply: 3)
4213. e. coli transformation efficiency... - (reply: 1)
4214. extra sequence in primers - (reply: 4)
4215. Inactivation of Thermo Sequenase / Taq polymerase - (reply: 1)
4216. Amplification problems - (reply: 9)
4217. DNA Help - Criminal Law Help (reply: 1)
4218. non-specific bands in agarose gel - too many bands visible! (reply: 3)
4219. DNA from filter paper to use in transfomation - Molecular Biology (reply: 4)
4220. Primer Programm for Sequencing - (reply: 3)
4221. Very dense primer-dimer band but no product - (reply: 4)
4222. calculating Tm of primers - (reply: 8)
4223. EtBr and DNA staining - Best method of EtBr use (reply: 5)
4224. Genomic DNA purification from few Tissue Cultured cells - (reply: 2)
4225. Primer extension problem - there are too many bands!! (reply: 1)
4226. sense, antisense? - In situ hybridization (reply: 1)
4227. prepare loading dye - (reply: 1)
4228. pBluescript ligation issues - pBS + thymidine kinase ligation (reply: 3)
4229. DNase I treatment of RNA sample - (reply: 10)
4230. 18S rRNA copy number - (reply: 1)