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4021. PCR reactions - What condition should I use? (reply: 5)
4022. Obtaining full length cDNA - Obtaining full length cDNA using Xenopus (reply: 4)
4023. Role of restriction and TAE Buffer - (reply: 1)
4024. Double Ligation - (reply: 8)
4025. Transfection of cells by viral DNA - (reply: 4)
4026. inverse PCR or promoter trapping - (reply: 2)
4027. Overlap PCR - (reply: 2)
4028. Help Needed! DNA sample dispersed b4 electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
4029. DNA precitipitation - DNA.....ethanol versus isopropanol (reply: 2)
4030. vector basics for transgenic mice - (reply: 2)
4031. Methylation & PCR - (reply: 1)
4032. Looking for groES/EL defficient E. coli strain .... - (reply: 1)
4033. What's the difference MS/MS and MALDI-TOF? - (reply: 2)
4034. overlap pcr--who can help me - (reply: 1)
4035. Percentage of SDS to denature RNases? - (reply: 3)
4036. DNA purification - (reply: 1)
4037. Help for recombination problem in my big construct - (reply: 2)
4038. Can I preserve whole blood sample with RNAlater and then separate CD14+ cells - by Ficoll centrifugation and incubation at 37*C? (reply: 2)
4039. Northern Hybridization - qestion about RNA degradation - need some clues (reply: 2)
4040. Homologous Recombination - (reply: 3)
4041. destabilized EGFP Vector urgently needed - (reply: 4)
4042. Primer design question - Use of primer 3 (reply: 3)
4043. oligonucleotide Adaptor A - (reply: 1)
4044. Transcriptional factor domains - (reply: 3)
4045. Use a vacuum to increase the concentration of DNA? - (reply: 5)
4046. Long PCR for amplification from plasmid - (reply: 5)
4047. Blue/white selection - More color at lower temp (reply: 6)
4048. acid phenol:chloroform extraction - Im confused (reply: 7)
4049. Re-suspending oligos in TE, Tris or water - (reply: 4)
4050. medium composition - M9 media (reply: 1)