neomycine - sequence (Nov/15/2006 )
Neomycine is the same the Kanamycin right?
what about GammaNEO reporter? is the same that neomicyn if not where can I get the sequence of GammaNEO.
for antibiotics, see wikipedia or google.
Basically, kanamycin and neomycin aren't the same molecules, and the resistance genes aren't the same too.
Neomycine is the same the Kanamycin right?
what about GammaNEO reporter? is the same that neomicyn if not where can I get the sequence of GammaNEO.
Have never heard about GammaNEO, but just take the sequence from your Vektor and BLAST it in pubmed... ;-)
In the same way you could find the sequnce of Neomycin, but why do u need the sequence? Do u want to clone it?
Basically, kanamycin and neomycin aren't the same molecules, and the resistance genes aren't the same too.
I though it was for exemple on the pECFPN1 vector there is Neo/Kana sequence (only one sequence)
I think they are the same
i think they meant that there are 2 vector possibilities one with neo and one with kana.
But surprisingly kana is for bacteria and neo is for mammalian cells.
If you have the sequence (clontech) paste it in plasmapper and let us know the result.
Neomycin and Kanamycin are not the same. But they both belong to the same family of antibiotics, aminoglycosides.
to add further to this matter,
The resistence gene, neomycin phosphotransferase is the same for both selection agents. The neo gene is a nice marker for a shuttle vector as it can be used in both eukaryote and prokaryote, provide the vector has two promoters, one eukaryote and one bacterial to express the neo gene.