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2551. Supershift - (reply: 7)
2552. Low yield after gel extraction - (reply: 12)
2553. How good should automated sequencing be? - (reply: 1)
2554. Nested PCR-false positives - (reply: 2)
2555. RT-PCR on 3kb fragment of viral RNA - (reply: 2)
2556. 100bp ladder prozyme or promega dont have the chart - anyone has chart? (reply: 2)
2557. Please recommend short courses or self-study books for commonly used DNA softwar - (reply: 1)
2558. Problem with minimal isopropanol precipitation - (reply: 2)
2559. Real-Time PCR Amplicon Question - (reply: 2)
2560. Extracting DNA as a fiber/strand - Dumb question! Need practical help. (reply: 10)
2561. Melting Curve/Sample analysis Question (PCR) - (reply: 3)
2562. inverse PCR - need help (reply: 1)
2563. PCR a 100bp fragment - (reply: 3)
2564. Genomic DNA Degradation - (reply: 2)
2565. Silly question, fidelity of RNA polymerase - transcription is 100% error free ? (reply: 11)
2566. Tips for sequencing miniprep DNA - (reply: 4)
2567. ppt DNA directly from a digestion/ pcr - (reply: 2)
2568. DNA loading buffer - (reply: 11)
2569. Can DNA polimerase amplify primers itself? - need help please!! (reply: 7)
2571. too confused about plasmid concentration? - (reply: 4)
2572. DNA precipitation and not protein - specific.. need it now!! (reply: 2)
2573. primer design questions for confused - (reply: 2)
2574. Curious about S. blot radioactivity - Feel kinda silly asking but... (reply: 2)
2575. Gel Shifts: Non-Specific Competition - (reply: 1)
2576. site directed mutagensis - (reply: 1)
2577. which kit for blood DNA isolation is better - (reply: 4)
2578. RE digest and klenow - sequential blunting (reply: 6)
2579. Problems with Plasmid purification - no real precipitation of genomic DNA (reply: 8)
2580. pYFP vector - what does what (reply: 8)