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Electrophoresis Related Discussions
  1. PCR product appear two close band in my gel! - (reply: 3)
  2. 230nm peak with NanoDrop - after gel purification (reply: 2)
  3. Running Simple Gels w Bacterial DNA - (reply: 4)
  4. reason for the browning of the silver gel - (reply: 1)
  5. Weird migration on gel - (reply: 19)
  6. Concentrating Conditioned Media for use on a non-denaturing agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  7. Renaturing SDS Gel? - (reply: 1)
  8. SDS gel - (reply: 1)
  9. microsatellite (SSR): Agarose gel vs polyacrylamide gel. - (reply: 1)
  10. 2d electrophoresis with carrier ampholytes - 2d electrophoresis with carrier ampholytes (reply: 2)
  11. TAE gel in TBE buffer - Does it work? (reply: 6)
  12. gel image analysis software - (reply: 2)
  13. How should products of first-strand cDNA synthesis look like on a gel? - (reply: 4)
  14. how to analyze a gel image - (reply: 1)
  15. Samples not on a straight line caused by gel dryness? - (reply: 4)
  16. Uneven SYBR green staining/quantitative DNA gels - (reply: 1)
  17. denaturing gel for RNA - (reply: 6)
  18. running a gel on a colony - basic question (reply: 2)
  19. expanded band of the purified protein on silverstain gel (even in low expression - (reply: 6)
  20. RNA gel - interesting bands? some help - (reply: 3)
  21. RNA gel - very interesting bands - (reply: 1)
  22. RNA Electrophoresis Hints - (reply: 2)
  23. any suggestions ragarding tricine gels - (reply: 3)
  24. Problem with agarose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  25. How do cellular fractions look like on SDS-PAGE gel? - what bands am I supposed to see in different fractions? (reply: 2)
  26. protein spreading in gel - (reply: 1)
  27. 2D gelelectrophoresis: prestaining of proteins - (reply: 4)
  28. Tris Hcl running gel buffer problems - (reply: 6)
  29. Protein purification by two stage chromatography - MDH by anion exhange & gel filtration (reply: 1)
  30. Gels waiting for 90 min before transfer? - (reply: 6)
  31. Good DNA quantity with nanodrop but nothing on the gel - (reply: 8)
  32. Gel band of bacteria genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  33. what do you think of this gel ? - (reply: 13)
  34. band distortion in DNA gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  35. Agrose gel - (reply: 6)
  36. protein gel electrophoresis - (reply: 7)
  37. White precipitation in stacking gel - (reply: 10)
  38. Protein Activity Assay With 2D Gel Spots - (reply: 1)
  39. problems with electrophoresis run - (reply: 2)
  40. High DNA Spec - Nothing on the Gel... - (reply: 2)
  41. Help with Lab Math - preparing a gel (reply: 4)
  42. plasmid isolation and gel - (reply: 1)
  43. Is it possible to view mRNA on gel - (reply: 9)
  44. Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) - Secondary Restriction Enzyme Problem (reply: 2)
  45. RNA electrophoresis - different concentration of ethidium bromide between gel and buffer (reply: 2)
  46. My SDS-PAGE loading gets orange during the electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  47. How to make gradient gel for western blot ? - (reply: 8)
  48. TBE gel, in TAE buffer. - (reply: 2)
  49. SDS Gel for 2D -DIGE - Problems having SDS Page to polymerize (reply: 3)
  50. how to distinguish supercoiled DNA from linear one in agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  51. slow electrophoresis, somebody can help me? - troubles in electrophoresis (reply: 4)
  52. Capture of silver stained gels - (reply: 1)
  53. Agrose gel - (reply: 4)
  54. Direct immunodetection within SDS-PAGE GEl? - Is it possible? (reply: 5)
  55. SDS in gel or not? - (reply: 2)
  56. How to rehydrate a SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 2)
  57. DNA Gel - (reply: 7)
  58. Protein size on SDS gel - (reply: 1)
  59. Repairing wire in gel apparatus - (reply: 3)
  60. can I autoclave agarose? - (reply: 3)
  61. Difference between TBE- and Denaturing Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of RNA - Gel for RNA (reply: 2)
  62. Staining phosphoproteins on the SDS gel? - Can Pro-Q Diamond be used for a crude sample? (reply: 1)
  63. Electrophoresis RNA - (reply: 1)
  64. 3.5% acrylamide gels and transfer - I need tips (reply: 4)
  65. This is the gel pic that is confusing me and my boss - (reply: 7)
  66. Stacking gel necessary? - (reply: 5)
  67. gold view and sybr safe gel stain - any used gold view gel stain (reply: 2)
  68. Silver Stain 2D gels - Trouble with silver staining 2D gels (reply: 1)
  69. Gel extraction kit...which one is the best? Cheapest? Coolest? lol - (reply: 4)
  70. Sterilization technique for gel - (reply: 3)
  71. Non-denaturing western blot - I need a transfer protocol for non-denaturing gel (reply: 1)
  72. Gel filtration - problem! (reply: 11)
  73. MASCOT results vs 2D gel image : Which one do you trust? - Protein positive hits in MASCOT do not agree with a spot's position!! (reply: 2)
  74. Improved electrophoresis of nucleic acids. - (reply: 15)
  75. gel purifications of DNA fragm > 10Kb - (reply: 9)
  76. Transformants pictures in gel - (reply: 2)
  77. oxidized vs native protein? diffeerence expected on Isoelectric focusing gel? - why? (reply: 2)
  78. Problems with zymography - Running SDS page gels protein wont migrate down the gel (reply: 4)
  79. plasmid digestion gel - (reply: 4)
  80. agarose gel electrophoresis - Question (reply: 3)
  81. how much agarose to use - (reply: 5)
  82. Extraction of PCR product from gel - (reply: 4)
  83. gel and monoclonal antibody issues - (reply: 3)
  84. How to extract Large protein from Low percentage SDS-Glycine-PAGE gel? - (reply: 1)
  85. Native PAGE gel - (reply: 3)
  86. Can we store the gel slice after cutting out the band and before gel extraction? - (reply: 3)
  87. 10% acrylamide/bisacrylamide, or 15% ? - SDS PAGE gel making (reply: 2)
  88. Gel doc camera - Resolution (reply: 6)
  89. 2D gels.. comparison software? - (reply: 1)
  90. 2D Electrophoresis for protein inclusion bodies/lysate? - sample preparation? (reply: 1)
  91. DNA gel electrophoresis problem? - (reply: 5)
  92. DNA gel to Test Ligation? - (reply: 2)
  93. Problem with drying down polyacrylamide gel - (reply: 4)
  94. Frozen Protein A agarose beads - (reply: 1)
  95. what could cause gel not to polymerize (solidify)? - gel making (reply: 8)
  96. Need to sequence gel purified vectors exposed to UV? - (reply: 2)
  97. poor electrophoretic protein transfer - (reply: 5)
  98. RNA gel loading buffer? - (reply: 5)
  99. Check the ligation product, but got two fragments with strange sizes on the gel - (reply: 7)
  100. Sample (protein) recovery on 2D gel - (reply: 1)
  101. multiple gel extractions - (reply: 5)
  102. GEL Extraction (any advanced techniques ?) - (reply: 7)
  103. Problems with bubbles in collagen gels - (reply: 1)
  104. DNA gel problem - (reply: 13)
  105. combining the results from different gels in western blot - (reply: 3)
  106. Is it possible to use a PCR cleaning kit to clean a band from a TAE-Agarose gel? - (reply: 1)
  107. transfering proteins from 2-D gel to nitrocellulose membrane - (reply: 5)
  108. Great signal but nothing on gel - (reply: 4)
  109. Dna purification from gel - (reply: 20)
  110. Normal agarose gel vs formaldehyde agarose gel - (reply: 1)
  111. New to RNA... Does this cDNA gel look OK? - (reply: 2)
  112. Screening Tranformation Colonies: Funny Gel Pic and no plasmid?!?! - (reply: 10)
  113. no high molecular weight bands seen.. know to be present.. - where did they go.. in a gradeint gel? (reply: 3)
  114. 2-D gel analysis - (reply: 3)
  115. Homebrew Gel Documentation System - Burnout of Digital Camera? - (reply: 9)
  116. Strange large bands on my PCR gel, has anyone seen this before? - PCR (reply: 3)
  117. gel extraction - (reply: 1)
  118. Can gel filtration effect buffer composition? - (reply: 4)
  119. Plasmid DNA preparation - two DNA bands in gel (reply: 5)
  120. Help troubleshoot SDS gel - smear down well - (reply: 2)
  121. High concentration DNA on spectrophotometer but no band on agarose gel. WHere is - DNA from bone and teeth (reply: 5)
  122. Coomassie Dye - SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 2)
  123. How to make a neat gel for master thesis? - Expressed protein on SDS-PAGe gel (reply: 3)
  124. Proper ratio of stacking and separating gel - (reply: 3)
  125. RNA denatruring agarose gel electrophoresis- help on sample preperation - (reply: 4)
  126. benefits of urea in SDS PAGE gel - (reply: 9)
  127. lowest concentration of RNA - to be visible on gel (reply: 3)
  128. dna ladder seperation in gel - (reply: 4)
  129. western blot -- running the gel - (reply: 6)
  130. using piece agarose band directly on PCR - does it work? - (reply: 3)
  131. what is more important in protein electrophoresis? voltage or current? - sds-page (reply: 10)
  132. Silica Gel Chromatography beginners questions - Need some help getting started... (reply: 1)
  133. Please help me with my sonication (gel included)... - I know, everyone asks the same thing, but I'm desperate (reply: 20)
  134. Help! low molecule weight peptides electrophoresis! - (reply: 2)
  135. How much RNA at least on agarose gel? - (reply: 3)
  136. Native PAGE problem - Protein doesn't enter in resolving gel (reply: 1)
  137. DNA spin column problems - Possible protein contamination and blank gel (reply: 6)
  138. Denaturing Gels and non denaturing gels (Gel electrophoresis) - Gel electrophoresis (reply: 2)
  139. Looking for perfect acrylamide gel EtBr stain - (reply: 4)
  140. Native gels for proteasome activity assay - (reply: 3)
  141. Gel destaining - (reply: 1)
  142. no bands, no ladders, nothing at all in my gels - (reply: 7)
  143. silly question...maximum loading for 1.5mm gel - (reply: 9)
  144. reuse of mineral oil in 2 D gel electrophoresis - can we reuse mineral oil for 2 D gel electrophoresis (reply: 1)
  145. Affect of pI on protein migration on SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 5)
  146. PGEM-T easy gel - partial digestion? - (reply: 2)
  147. Running different % acyrlamide gels - (reply: 3)
  148. Gel purification of large plasmids for PCR or sequencing, HELP! - (reply: 3)
  149. running a 6% SDS gel - (reply: 1)
  150. Removing bubbles from collagen gel - (reply: 2)
  151. Polyacrylamide gels shriveling up during transfer - (reply: 1)
  152. gel percentage & loading control for ATM and ATR? - western blotting (reply: 6)
  153. linearized vector purification from TAE agarose gel - (reply: 5)
  154. EC invasion into collagen gels and serum concentration - (reply: 3)
  155. Western blotting conditioned media problem - Media will not separate when run on gel (reply: 2)
  156. Current for gel electrophoresis - Fried my DNA I think (reply: 8)
  157. How to improve the agarose gel? - (reply: 10)
  158. problems with zymography gels - (reply: 1)
  159. Use of silver staining for DNA in polyacrylamide gels... - or any other helpful suggestios to improve detection! (reply: 5)
  160. Gravity flow gel filtration chromatography - (reply: 2)
  161. Sephadex G-50 gel filtration chromatography - (reply: 6)
  162. Sephadex G-50 gel filtration chromatography - (reply: 1)
  163. native gel problem - (reply: 7)
  164. SDS Gel - My protein bands go to the bottom of gel (reply: 9)
  165. digested run slower on gel? - (reply: 6)
  166. MoBio Plasmid Purification and Gel Extraction Kits - Problems with MoBio Kits (reply: 3)
  167. 2 - DE Gel - Protein Transfer - (reply: 2)
  168. DNA Footprinting Gel - (reply: 3)
  169. pulsed field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  170. Taking Agarose Gel Pic with Regular Digital Camera - (reply: 14)
  171. Agarose gel - (reply: 6)
  172. 10kDa-20kDa proteins are missing on coomassie stained gel - (reply: 5)
  173. sds page (gel preparation) - (reply: 4)
  174. need help with my rna gel - (reply: 12)
  175. Need help, what's wrong with my DNA gel? - (reply: 10)
  176. gel bond and gel dryer - put gelbond in gel dyer (reply: 5)
  177. Is there ay staining solution to stain colony on agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  178. Ultra pure agarose - (reply: 4)
  179. Question of QIAGEN's QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit - (reply: 10)
  180. DNA gel purification without a spin column - (reply: 4)
  181. DNA from Agarose gel basic questions - Basic functions of chemicals in DNA extraction from Agarose Gel (reply: 2)
  182. Of voltage and bands - Agarose gel electrophoresis (reply: 3)
  183. Genomic DNA smears on gel - (reply: 5)
  184. RNA samples degraded in gel... where is the source of contamination? - (reply: 9)
  185. basic dilution question for making gels - (reply: 1)
  186. RNA gel - multiple bands - (reply: 2)
  187. RNA Gels - (reply: 3)
  188. Gel or column purify - (reply: 4)
  189. Small DNA fragments, which electrophoresis shoudl i choose? - (reply: 10)
  190. SOS: DNA purity problems - Low A260/230 of gel extracted DNA samples (reply: 4)
  191. native gel problem: blurry bands - (reply: 11)
  192. Native gel and salt - (reply: 2)
  193. Qiagen gel extraction accident. - is all lost? (reply: 1)
  194. Electrophoresis with sybrgreen - (reply: 5)
  195. NuSieve GTG agarose gel takes forever to dissolve - (reply: 8)
  196. What should 75 ug of total protein look like on gel? - Help - My 280 reading says I am loading 75 ug... (reply: 4)
  197. Question about tricine gels - (reply: 1)
  198. Tips on improving ligation+transformation from gel extraction - Let's contribute! (reply: 1)
  199. gel compar II - (reply: 1)
  200. Does phosphorylation affect protein migration in SDS-PAGE gel? - (reply: 9)
  201. bumps in bottom part of sds gel - bumps in bottom part of sds gel (reply: 2)
  202. Nano Drop measurements and RNa Gels incompatible? - (reply: 2)
  203. protein-DNA interaction in gel filtration - (reply: 4)
  204. gel ananlysis software - (reply: 6)
  205. Agarose Gel instead of PAGE: Is it possible ? - (reply: 5)
  206. gel formula - (reply: 1)
  207. SDS gel image : why the band looks like 'stapler bullet' - (reply: 3)
  208. Only 18S RNA Band shows up in RNA gel, why? - (reply: 2)
  209. peptid conjugation to BSA ? No band in the gel? - (reply: 1)
  210. Native acrylamid gel - (reply: 10)
  211. Troubleshoot SB buffer electrophoresis problem - (reply: 6)
  212. Protein A- agarose or protein A- sepharose? - immunoprecipitation (reply: 1)
  213. Ratio of acrylamide to bis-acrylamide - different percentages for DNA and protein gels (reply: 1)
  214. RNA gel extraction - (reply: 2)
  215. PLasmid extraction: good nanodrop reading but NOTHING on the gel! - (reply: 4)
  216. difference between Qiaex and Qiaquick gel extraction kits - (reply: 5)
  217. RNA gel electrophoresis - multiple conformers or multiple products? - (reply: 1)
  218. Cy3/Cy5 dyes and Urea denaturing PAGE gels - (reply: 1)
  219. Gel extraction problem ~HELP~ - (reply: 3)
  220. Acrylamide gels blurring DNA - (reply: 5)
  221. High MW smear - how can I get all protein into the gel? - (reply: 3)
  222. Does 20x TTE buffer REALLY expire? - polyacryamide gels; buffers (reply: 1)
  223. plz guide me.i got many band in one well in agrose gel electrophoresis - PCR (reply: 8)
  224. VERY SLOOOOOW running gels (SDS-PAGE) - (reply: 8)
  225. Could you run Taqman PCR on gel to see the band? - (reply: 1)
  226. extra bands on SDS PAGE gel - (reply: 4)
  227. Gap between bands too small - DNA Gel Electrophoresis (reply: 6)
  228. problems with RNA bands - on agarose gel (reply: 1)
  229. problems with RNA bands - on agarose gel (reply: 2)
  230. difference between "electrophoresis grade glycine" and regular old gly - (reply: 1)
  231. Gel purification: SpinX vs commercial kits - Gel purification (reply: 3)
  232. My DNA fragment in agarose gel is in 4 degree - Can I extract the fragment and use it for cloning??? (reply: 6)
  233. Gel loading Question - (reply: 1)
  234. Easy Question on seperating 1kb and 1.3kb gel bands - what percentage? (reply: 3)
  235. electrophoresis for RNA - agarose gel or FA gel?? (reply: 9)
  236. [western blotting] Loading control in 6% gel? - Please suggest good loading control protein of high molecular weight (reply: 2)
  237. bands/dyes don't move on gel - (reply: 9)
  238. shotgun cloning: gel shows inserts but only plasmid sequence obtained - (reply: 1)
  239. Is there any good coomassie stain which is comparable to silver stain? - searching for a new staining method for 2D gels (reply: 6)
  240. the problem in gel purification - (reply: 4)
  241. How to choose the ready gel for western blotting - (reply: 3)
  242. QIAEX II gel purification kit - (reply: 11)
  243. RNA extraction/electrophoresis problem - (reply: 8)
  244. need help, my collagen gels are watery - (reply: 1)
  245. Why is resistance increasing with SDS PAGE gel run - (reply: 4)
  246. polyacrylamide gel for DNA analysis - (reply: 4)
  247. no band in 6% gel - (reply: 4)
  248. Gel shift on formalin tissues? - EMSA (reply: 1)
  249. Tris Tricine Gel Running Buffer - (reply: 1)
  250. "Question"Why Gel Extraction Kit not working? - (reply: 6)
  251. Freeze and crush method for gel extraction - (reply: 2)
  252. Uneven band migration on agarose gel - (reply: 4)
  253. band disappearance on agarose gel - (reply: 3)
  254. TBE urea gel sample buffer - formamid or not? (reply: 2)
  255. Formaldehyde Gel Electrophoresis on non-denatured/denatured RNA - No/Faint RNA bands after denatration (reply: 1)
  256. Westerns from 3D collagen gels - (reply: 1)
  257. recipe for SB buffer for electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
  258. Gel without ethidium - (reply: 8)
  259. sticky and blunt DNA on gel migration - (reply: 5)
  260. Strange "V" band in Gel Shift - (reply: 4)
  261. DNA yields with the Qiagen PCR gel purification kit - (reply: 8)
  262. semi-dry transfer for midi gels - (reply: 4)
  263. The top of PAGE gel is not polymerizing - (reply: 6)
  264. gel elution problem - (reply: 1)
  265. shaded bands in agarose gel - (reply: 8)
  266. See small size difference on gel? - (reply: 2)
  267. saving your gel for future - (reply: 3)
  268. Weird two bands of my purified vector DNA apeared on my gel ? - (reply: 5)
  269. 2D Gel Electrophoresis Software - (reply: 1)
  270. help with LDH separation using agarose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 5)
  271. After extracting total RNA from tissue using trizol reagent and phase lock gel,h - I am going to extract bothe total RNA and genome DNA from one sample (reply: 4)
  272. SDS Gel - (reply: 4)
  273. White background on DNA gels - (reply: 8)
  274. Circular ligation product migration on gel? - (reply: 1)
  275. Setting tris-glycine gels and storing them BEFORE running them? - (reply: 7)
  276. RNA gel electrophoresis - any recommendations? - (reply: 12)
  277. Why do I got 3 bands of RNA gel? - (reply: 3)
  278. question about agarose gel - (reply: 7)
  279. Gel Fixation - (reply: 6)
  280. glycerol [c] for dna in gel - (reply: 5)
  281. Problems after gel purification of plasmids - Restrictases and ligase do not work on gel purified DNA (reply: 2)
  282. RT-PCR - necessary to run electrophoresis gels? - (reply: 4)
  283. Bloting IEF gels onto PVDF membranes? - (reply: 1)
  284. identifying a gel band by mass spectrometre? - problem in identifying the protein, no matches (reply: 13)
  285. problem in separating gel - (reply: 6)
  286. Gel purification of plasmid after each of these steps? - (reply: 1)
  287. horizontal streaking in 2-D gel? - for help (reply: 4)
  288. southern blot SSC bufffer doubt - do we need to use electrophoresis grade sodium citrate? (reply: 2)
  289. Agarose gel solidifying - from asia-poland (reply: 6)
  290. Lack of bands in SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 4)
  291. Gel Shifts: DIG labelling - (reply: 1)
  292. DNA Extraction for Ladder Assay - Protocols to get best Agarose gels (reply: 4)
  293. Electrophoresis problem - (reply: 9)
  294. DGGE - PCR and gel conditions - (reply: 2)
  295. SYBR Green Nucleic Acid Gel Stain - alternative for EtBr? (reply: 1)
  296. Preparing Gel Loading Buffer - (reply: 6)
  297. Agarose gel concentration for small and similar pcr pdts - (reply: 7)
  298. fresh gel - (reply: 5)
  299. do you subtract gel base intensity from PCR band intensity? - urgent require (reply: 3)
  300. samples floating out of SDS-page gel well immediately after loading - (reply: 7)
  301. Expect monomer on SDS PAGE gel get dimer or larger - (reply: 3)
  302. How to dilute loading dye? (For gel electrophoresis) - (reply: 6)
  303. Agarose 'rafts' blocking the top of sample well - Difficulty pouring a 3% gel (reply: 4)
  304. Electrophoresis, pls urgent - (reply: 17)
  305. Urea gels - (reply: 5)
  306. Low concentration after gel purification - PCR product purification (reply: 6)
  307. Free Agarose - Free Agarose (reply: 8)
  308. Acrylamide gel with abnormal band - (reply: 4)
  309. Elution of a smear from acrylamide gel - Electrophoresis and gel elution (reply: 2)
  310. Two Tm peak in real-time but only one product on a gel? - What's goning on????? (reply: 4)
  311. PCR and Digest cleanup before ligation. - A shortcut by avoiding gel purification. (reply: 15)
  312. Gel purification of DNA bands-any alternates? - (reply: 4)
  313. LDH isoenzyme separation by Electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  314. Column chromatography with silica gel - (reply: 2)
  315. real-time PCR products on gel look good but melting curve is horribel - (reply: 2)
  316. 2D gels: Is there a protein assay thiourea is compatible with? - proteomics (reply: 2)
  317. unsuccessful gel purification - (reply: 8)
  318. gel purification for PCR product - (reply: 5)
  319. Acrylamide gel preparation - for SDS-PAGE (reply: 4)
  320. Help! I need to run collagen on SDS gel - (reply: 2)
  321. sample preparation for 2d gel elctrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  322. PRotein marker can give concentration of my protein in gel? - (reply: 4)
  323. Gel appeared during serum collection - (reply: 1)
  324. Gel shift with high isoelectric point protein - (reply: 1)
  325. Quantifying gel purification products - (reply: 12)
  326. capilary electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  327. strange red lines in all of my agarose gels from PCR - (reply: 2)
  328. Ethidium bromide gel - (reply: 15)
  329. About gel exlusion chromatography - (reply: 5)
  330. electrophoresis buffer become very hot - (reply: 11)
  331. protein extraction form SDS PAGE gels - (reply: 4)
  332. Tricine gel storage - can i store fully made gels overnight? (reply: 6)
  333. Need denature (94oc in 5 mintute) for agarose gel? - (reply: 7)
  334. agarose gel electrophoresis - problems in marker migration (reply: 14)
  335. Making high concentration agarose gels - A request for advice (reply: 7)
  336. Differences between DGGE & standard electrophoresis? - (reply: 1)
  337. Dissociation curve vs Gel image - Which one to trust? (reply: 1)
  338. PAGE gel DNA band shape - (reply: 4)
  339. Is 20% methanol sufficient to fix protein in gel? - (reply: 5)
  340. DNA extraction from gel - (reply: 16)
  341. electrophoresis question - (reply: 6)
  342. Smearing antibody and DTT - how to interpret the gel? - Aggregated antibody (reply: 1)
  343. help with agarose gel problem - (reply: 3)
  344. How to quantitate the pcr product from gel picturess - (reply: 4)
  345. Gel Loading- Equal Protein or equal volumes? - (reply: 2)
  346. How to elute protein from SDS-PAGE gels - (reply: 3)
  347. Electrophoresis buffer prep questions - (reply: 9)
  348. How to run poly-lysine on tris-tricine gel - (reply: 4)
  349. Extract DNA from gel - (reply: 5)
  350. Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis - for E.faecium (reply: 4)
  351. Ligation reaction gel picture - (reply: 1)
  352. Recipe needed for native gel - (reply: 1)
  353. Transfection of expression vector for gel shift - how much vector should be transfected? (reply: 2)
  354. What safety and risk assessments should i be aware of in doing PCR and gel elect - (reply: 2)
  355. contaminated gel eluted DNA fragment - (reply: 8)
  356. Improvement to Lammli Gel electrophoresis - The occasional gem (reply: 2)
  357. Loss of phosphorylation after gel purification? - (reply: 3)
  358. rehydrate dried gel - (reply: 4)
  359. Uneven background of DNA electrophoresis image - (reply: 4)
  360. i have to put gel until tomorrow - URGENT (reply: 6)
  361. polyacrylamide gel electophoresis - (reply: 8)
  362. melting a polyacrylamide gel? urgent - (reply: 6)
  363. low melting agarose - low melting agarose (reply: 3)
  364. Electrophoresis of DNA - (reply: 7)
  365. Gel extraction protocol for DNA purification - Any suggestion? (reply: 11)
  366. Locate a lab for PCR and Gel work - (reply: 2)
  367. Protein high molecular weight standards for gel filtration - (reply: 2)
  368. dna recovery from gel - (reply: 7)
  369. moving of gel - from gel plate (reply: 4)
  370. agarose gel melted after 4h running.. - (reply: 11)
  371. Visualising 200-400+ kDa proteins by gel electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  372. dna on gel image help - (reply: 3)
  374. FPLC: Gel Filtraito - Running Standards, Triton X-100, Mitochondria on a column (reply: 3)
  375. I need your help regarding HAEMOGLOBIN ELECTROPHORESIS - (reply: 1)
  376. Buffer BPTE for DNA electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  377. Serious Mini Gel Stack Problems. - (reply: 16)
  378. can agarose be removed by phenol? - (reply: 5)
  379. My DNA shoots out of the wells in my Agarose Gel... why? - Agarose Gel Loading Help (reply: 14)
  380. 2D protein gel for miRNA target screening? - (reply: 2)
  381. running DNA on gel - (reply: 2)
  382. low MW bands left on gel during transfer to PVDF - (reply: 1)
  383. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis - Troubleshoot (reply: 12)
  384. gel electrophoresis - problem with stacking (reply: 22)
  385. large proteins don't analyse well-sds page gels - (reply: 12)
  386. How long to store 1% agarose gels? - (reply: 11)
  387. Simple Question... Volts/amps for running mini gels? - Which volts/amps are the best, mine do not work! (reply: 11)
  388. Why high voltage is used in capillary electrophoresis? - (reply: 1)
  389. making Ficoll gel loading buffer - (reply: 1)
  390. What type of native gel (pH/acrylamide %) do I use for a protein with the pI=9.0 - (reply: 4)
  391. extracting DNA frm agarose gel no result - (reply: 3)
  392. Protein A agarose for CHIP--pre-treatment is needed? - (reply: 2)
  393. How to take picture of dna electrophoresis without a gel documentation unit? - (reply: 3)
  394. Blotting gel after Bio-Rad Coomassie staining? - (reply: 5)
  395. Shadow in agarose gel - (reply: 8)
  396. native gel? - want protocol (reply: 7)
  397. HELP: Excision of gel band from EMSA gel - (reply: 1)
  398. capillary electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  399. Help: ECM Extraction from cells grown in Alginate gels - (reply: 4)
  400. Molecular weight determination by SDS page and gel filtration - (reply: 5)
  401. DNA markers - Gel run agarose or PAGE (reply: 1)
  402. Please check my ChIP sonication gel - (reply: 4)
  403. destaining silver stained gels - (reply: 1)
  404. Gel Electrophoresis & Staining - (reply: 2)
  405. Help Reading Sonication Gels! - (reply: 4)
  406. Frowns in polyacrylamide gel - (reply: 8)
  407. useful tips for low melting temperature gel purification. - please share your experiences. (reply: 2)
  408. high sizes on gel - (reply: 5)
  409. running a gel with primers - (reply: 2)
  410. Acrylamide/Agarose gels on nucleic acids... - Differential use...? (reply: 1)
  411. ethanol precipitation before gel purification... - (reply: 5)
  412. Questions about protein gel loading and immunoprecipitation - (reply: 4)
  413. In gel electrophoresis, what are the effects of sample loading on band size? - (reply: 3)
  414. What to load in empty well on SDS gel? - (reply: 8)
  415. why protein gels are run at constant current and constant voltage? - (reply: 2)
  416. Protein purification for rabbit injection - SDS-PAGE gel, excise band, inject into rabbit?? (reply: 5)
  417. what speed to centrifuge down agarose bead? - (reply: 4)
  418. proteomic study at 1-D and 2-D electrophoresis. - wants your opinion ! (reply: 5)
  419. Uncut genomic DNA - Migrate through the gel (reply: 3)
  420. analysis of DNA using BamH1 and agarose gel electrophoresis - interpretation of results! (reply: 5)
  421. protein bands are not migrating over to the whole gels. - please suggest me something, very urgent ! (reply: 8)
  422. Gel Electrophoresis Bowed Migration Pattern Troubleshooting - (reply: 3)
  423. Problem with agarose gel? or with RNA ? - (reply: 7)
  424. How can I dissolve 6%polyacrylamide gel? - (reply: 2)
  425. In gel electrophoresis... - (reply: 2)
  426. gel keeping for Mass Spec - (reply: 5)
  427. What factors affect the separation and visualisation of DNA fragments in gel ele - (reply: 1)
  428. can someone tell me about extraction DNA from polyacrylamide gel? - (reply: 10)
  429. why not boiled before electrophoresis? - (reply: 9)
  430. streaking in 2D gels - (reply: 2)
  431. Does anyone add Etbr to running buffer used to make agarose gels? - (reply: 14)
  432. Viral RNA - have you ever run it in a gel? (reply: 6)
  433. Lab velocity - free samples for gels and UV cuvettes (reply: 5)
  434. In DNA gel electrophoresis, what happens to lambda fragments after being treated - (reply: 2)
  435. 3D collagen matrice - Polymerization of collagen gel (reply: 5)
  436. RT-PCR product dilution and electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  437. How to calculate DNA concentration after PCR manually - not using spectrophotometry or electrophoresis (reply: 6)
  438. Qiagen gel extraction kit - strange buffer color (reply: 7)
  439. Protein extraction from SDS gel - (reply: 6)
  440. weak band during denature agarose gel electrophoresis of RNA - RNA denature agarose gel electrophoresis (reply: 3)
  441. Low yield after gel extraction - (reply: 12)
  442. Agaroase gel analysis of ligation reaction - (reply: 6)
  443. Problem loading SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 19)
  444. Strange gel pattern, is EtBr the cause? - (reply: 1)
  445. Help: Can't see any positive staining at all... SDS PAGE gel - (reply: 5)
  446. basic gel question - (reply: 7)
  447. Gel Shifts: Non-Specific Competition - (reply: 1)
  448. advice on A/G agarose for ChIP - which gives the lowest background (reply: 3)
  449. need advice on qPCR results (see attachment) - melting curve - gel picture (reply: 5)
  450. Smear on gel after MiniPrep - Is this RNA? (reply: 10)
  451. analysing gel bands - analysing gel bands (reply: 1)
  452. RNA migration in agarose formaldehyde gel - (reply: 6)
  453. Smeary DNA band on agarose gel - (reply: 5)
  454. difference between RNA & cDNA gel image - (reply: 1)
  455. Gel purification of PCR products - (reply: 2)
  456. S-500 Gel filtration - molecular weight calibration (reply: 1)
  457. how to run native PAGE gel? - (reply: 3)
  458. Gel filtration estimations - (reply: 1)
  459. SDS page gel GST beads or not to? - (reply: 3)
  460. Expected bands in agarose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  461. running itme for gels - (reply: 3)
  462. HELP! PAGE Gel Running problem - (reply: 9)
  463. DNA gel picture labeling - too many samples to label by hand - (reply: 2)
  464. Native Gel bovine IgG - Native Gel (reply: 8)
  465. Fuzzy bands on agarose gel after ligation - (reply: 7)
  466. SDS-PAGE gel interpretation - sds page gel band reading (reply: 3)
  467. phenol/CHCl3 vs purification from gel - (reply: 1)
  469. protease bands on the gel.... - should they be visible? (reply: 11)
  470. Single Colony Gels? - (reply: 7)
  471. Gel and Ct-values relationship: is there a probe problem? - Bands on gel don't fit my expectations... (reply: 2)
  472. Protein gel Loading troubles - Protein prep too viscous (reply: 4)
  473. electrophoresis DNA yeast - (reply: 3)
  474. Gel shift - (reply: 1)
  475. differential electrophoretic migration of phosphorylated proteins - (reply: 2)
  476. Screening for a 30bp difference using an agarose gel. - (reply: 4)
  477. can protein A agarose precipitate anti goat IgG? - (reply: 2)
  478. nucleic acids gel densitometry - (reply: 1)
  479. DNA quantitation on agarose gel - (reply: 11)
  480. Absence of bands in some lanes of gel electrophoresis - What are the reasons? (reply: 2)
  481. Help: How to run Histone on SDS-PAGE gel? - (reply: 6)
  482. RFLP - reading gels (reply: 1)
  483. mutiple DNA bands on my agarose gel - (reply: 3)
  484. RNA gel shift - (reply: 1)
  485. smears on gel.. - REASONS (reply: 4)
  486. gel purification of PCR product - (reply: 1)
  487. which temperature should I run my 2. dimension gel at? - (reply: 3)
  489. Etbr in agrose Gel - (reply: 5)
  490. Metaphor agarose optimization - (reply: 1)
  491. questions about native gel - (reply: 3)
  492. Native Gel for QDs and Peptides - (reply: 8)
  493. cannot see RNA on gel - (reply: 6)
  494. Proteins samples not migrating from stacking into resolving gel - (reply: 6)
  495. PAGE gel casting - (reply: 4)
  496. Agarose gel for very small DNA fragments - (reply: 7)
  497. Percentage of SDS- PAGE gel for co-IP - (reply: 1)
  498. gel run - (reply: 1)
  499. 2D Gel electrophoresis analysis software - Is a good one free available? (reply: 1)
  500. fading DNA bands on agarose gel - is it normal? - (reply: 4)
  501. SDS-PAGE over heating and will western work from that gel? - sds page running and western blot of gel run under too much heating (reply: 9)
  502. PCR band disappears in agarose gel! - Agarose gel electrophoresis (reply: 4)
  503. Minimum sample required for visualization on gel - How to load 1ul of DNA on gel (reply: 3)
  505. A native PAGE - for a protein, 15.3 kDa, gel/run conditions? (reply: 2)
  506. Elution from immunoprecipitation suitable for 2D-GE - Elution from immunoprecipitation suitable for 2D gel electrophoresis (reply: 1)
  507. sds page - how to quantifing of gel doc (reply: 1)
  508. DNA concentration too low for gel electrophorsis - (reply: 6)
  509. Acrylamide gels: sample preparation with high salt concentration - (reply: 1)
  510. How to store PAGE gel and keep the bands after gel is run? - (reply: 23)
  511. Electrophoresis: only seperate DNA by size!? - (reply: 4)
  513. Should I clone my PCR product even though it is invisible on gel? - (reply: 5)
  514. staining the gel - (reply: 5)
  515. How to do gel filtration - (reply: 3)
  516. Probe labelling foe gel shifts - (reply: 2)
  517. Small peptides in gel - What to do to see a 2kDa peptide in coomassie gel (reply: 25)
  518. Western blot gel running problem - Gel Electrophoresis (reply: 7)
  519. UREA in SDS-PAGE - How to make the gel (reply: 1)
  520. 6% gel westren blot not working as well as 10% - (reply: 1)
  521. TBE vs TAE for agarose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 36)
  522. non-reductive gel to check the disulfide bond - (reply: 14)
  523. Gel purified samples not sinking in gel well's - Not getting my samples to fall to bottom of well (reply: 8)
  524. Why do we have to use MOPS and formaldehyde in RNA electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  525. Expired gel for WB - Can i still use it..(urgent) (reply: 4)
  526. vertical agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  527. A new plasmid appears on my gel in addition to my construct when I increase the - (reply: 4)
  528. DNA purity by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  529. plasmid DNA running on agarose gel to the opposite direction - (reply: 7)
  530. problem with dna fragment extraction gel - (reply: 1)
  531. biotinylated proteins purification from free biotin - dialysis vs gel filtration or what else (reply: 10)
  532. Blue Native Gel Electrophoresis for membran protein complex - (reply: 1)
  533. How do you store your gels? - (reply: 8)
  534. Agarose gel for 580bp DNA - What are the suitable conditions? (reply: 8)
  535. help with ligation and gel extraction - (reply: 5)
  536. Problems with gel extraction and ligation - (reply: 12)
  537. Why SDS page gel have to prepared freshly? - (reply: 6)
  538. No PCR product detected in agraose gel - (reply: 7)
  539. problem in my native gel - (reply: 4)
  540. Does gel thickness affect light intensity of the DNA? - (reply: 3)
  541. Native RNA gel - (reply: 1)
  542. questions about the agarose bead protocol - (reply: 1)
  543. Why can I not see bands on an agarose gel? - agarose gel visualization (reply: 5)
  544. One specific DNA band became 2 bands after gel extraction? - (reply: 6)
  545. using agarose for plates - (reply: 2)
  546. no migration of DNA on electrophoresis - (reply: 7)
  547. Problems in DNA sequencing after gel purification - (reply: 9)
  548. Proteins and markers in top of gel - Running a gel (reply: 5)
  549. Unwanted band seen along with my pcr product. - regarding PCR product with unwanted band formation during electrophoresis (reply: 3)
  550. what is the meaning of de -gas the acrylamide gel mix? - (reply: 6)
  551. SDS-PAGE gel preparation - (reply: 10)
  552. sodium borate acid for DNA electrophoresis? - It's supposed to be much faster. Have you tried it? (reply: 13)
  553. reuse PCR gel - (reply: 2)
  554. which voltage for which agarose concentration? - assuming same size of gel, how should voltage be adapted to agarose concentratio (reply: 3)
  555. Can we reuse agarose gel? - (reply: 10)
  556. Question on Ethidium Bromide Gels - (reply: 2)
  557. Allowed gel percentage to seperate proteins of 20kd or less - (reply: 1)
  558. Gel percentage & cross-linker percentage, protein MW constrains. - (reply: 2)
  559. Tris Tricine Gels for amyloid-beta Oligomers - (reply: 7)
  560. extraction of DNA from agarose gels - (reply: 4)
  561. Rhinovirus (RV) GEL FILTRATION - (reply: 1)
  562. Storing gels . . . - (reply: 3)
  563. protein diffusion in sds page gel - (reply: 2)
  564. Streaks on 2D gels - (reply: 3)
  565. to extract DNA from agarose gel - (reply: 11)
  566. agar and agarose s - (reply: 4)
  567. DNA agarose gels - trouble shoot weird gels (reply: 7)
  568. eluting protein from the gel band... - (reply: 7)
  569. Electrophoresis of Plasmid - (reply: 3)
  570. Exposing southern gel to UV before transfer - (reply: 1)
  571. Real Time: One Melting Curve 2 gel bands - (reply: 6)
  572. Help needed-Protein extraction from native gel - (reply: 3)
  573. gel shift assay help- big smear lane - (reply: 2)
  574. Agarose gel electrophoresis - for separating bacteria cells?! (reply: 5)
  575. formaldehyde in RNA gels - (reply: 4)
  576. RNA gel troubleshooting - (reply: 8)
  577. Strong distortion in bands of dna gel electrophoresis - (reply: 6)
  578. Removal of etoh from purified samples - my gel purified samples contaminated with ethanol. how to get rid?? (reply: 6)
  579. Unclear bands in bp marker of agarose gel - should i lower the voltage? (reply: 5)
  580. Gel extraction - just wondering!!!! (reply: 8)
  581. SDS-PAGE gel won't get solidified - (reply: 5)
  582. Question about making low percent SDS-PAGE gels for big protein - (reply: 9)
  583. Tricine SDS-PAGE gel under non-reducing - please tell me a protocol (reply: 1)
  584. PFGE techinque - Pulse fiels gel electrphoresis (reply: 6)
  585. Gel permeation & filtration - difference plz? (reply: 1)
  586. Distinguish uncut vs. cut plasmids on agarose gel - (reply: 9)
  587. FLAG M2 affinity gel agarose storage condition - (reply: 1)
  588. protein contamination in DNA electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  589. protein elution from PAA gels - (reply: 2)
  590. Problem in protein preparation in 2-D electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  591. Ramdom competitor in Gel Shift Assay - EMSA expert, please help! (reply: 1)
  592. 2-D electrophoresis problem... strange spots - (reply: 2)
  593. Denaturing Agarose gel for RNA - (reply: 10)
  594. SDS-PAGE % - what % gel should I use (reply: 5)
  595. Problem pouring SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 9)
  596. Multiple bands on RNA gel, why? - (reply: 6)
  597. VERTICAL DGGE GEL - (reply: 5)
  598. need help with calcium phosphate gel - (reply: 5)
  599. Different conformation of DNA after gel extraction? - (reply: 6)
  600. protein tranfer from gel to membrane, reversible ? - (reply: 2)
  601. Agarose gels and SB Buffer - (reply: 7)
  602. different amount of template DNA added will give out different pattern in gel af - (reply: 4)
  603. electrophoresis to resolve two DNA of similar size - (reply: 6)
  604. Should I use LMT Agarose to purify genomic DNA? Help please! - (reply: 1)
  605. Help me! No colonies! Problem with gel purification? - (reply: 5)
  606. Protease: Post Electrophoretic Reactivation - (reply: 3)
  607. loading protein onto SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 2)
  608. PCR doesn't work! - Falling in an empty gel "space" (reply: 2)
  609. which gel type to choose for protein electrophoresis? - difference between types of gels (reply: 12)
  610. Gel filtration - (reply: 3)
  611. Developing Gel instead of PVDF - (reply: 3)
  612. Qiagen Gel Extraction of PCR product - (reply: 7)
  613. gels for RNA - (reply: 1)
  614. Reagents restriction digestion and electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  615. RFLP electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  616. native gel -- protein migration - (reply: 1)
  617. Problem choosing the right kind of Precast gels - (reply: 1)
  618. how much do you load on the gel? - do you really dilute to certain OD? (reply: 3)
  619. denaturing gel - (reply: 4)
  620. curved gel surface - (reply: 10)
  621. lousy agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  622. problem with RNA ladder in polyacrylamide gel - (reply: 1)
  623. gel purification necessary for ligation? - (reply: 3)
  624. purification of DNA extracted from agarose gel - does ethidium bromide remains / interefrence with ligation (reply: 1)
  625. two bands after gel elusion instead of one - (reply: 6)
  626. problem with gel filtration - (reply: 1)
  627. multiplex analysis of amplicons on gel using fluorophores - what fluorophore/dye can I use (reply: 3)
  628. Gel Extraction problems - using Invitrogen Purelink (reply: 1)
  629. protein precipitation during gel loading - (reply: 3)
  630. Wierd 1xTAE Gel - (reply: 3)
  631. Gel shift assay for non purified protein preps - (reply: 1)
  632. Having problem preparing sample for 2D gel. Help pls. - (reply: 2)
  633. SDS gel strangely running: curved ladder - Ladder starts running vertical, and then levels horizontal in the running gel (reply: 7)
  634. Agarose gel - DEPC-induced fragility? - RNA gels (reply: 2)
  635. Please help with high-molecular-weight DNA gel electrophoresis! - (reply: 2)
  636. can you ligate gel slices directly? - (reply: 8)
  637. how to estimate amount of DNA using gel? - do u use agarose or acrylamide? (reply: 2)
  638. DNA fragmentation- gel electrophoresis assay - molecular biology (reply: 1)
  639. Low melt temp agarose not melting - (reply: 13)
  640. Gel Filtration - which system is most suitable? - (reply: 3)
  641. denaturating protein electrophoresis - (reply: 5)
  642. DNA migrates faster the longer you run a gel? - (reply: 4)
  643. gel purification of the vector... - is it good enough for ligation? (reply: 7)
  644. decontamination of electrophoresis chambers... - what solution should be used? (reply: 2)
  645. Gel loading buffer - (reply: 12)
  646. Gel elution of a band - (reply: 4)
  647. Crystal Clear Acrylamide Gels - Has anyone been able to cast an optically clear Acrylamide gel? (reply: 4)
  648. Gel Filtration/Protein Precipitation - (reply: 1)
  649. FISH probes - why check with gel (reply: 1)
  650. DGGE gel problem - (reply: 1)
  651. Drying SDS gels - (reply: 4)
  652. Efficiency of the transfer in Western Blotting - How can you tell from the gel? (reply: 10)
  653. transverse agarose pore gradient gel electrophoresis - anyobdy gotta protocol?? (reply: 2)
  654. Qiagen Rneasy multiple bands in gel - (reply: 1)
  655. Band diffusion of my PCR product in electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  656. extra band after gel extraction - (reply: 4)
  657. Does BSA slow DNA migration in agarose gels? - (reply: 1)
  658. Help with western blotting - protein not running in to seperating gel (reply: 1)
  659. Verticals streaks in kinase assay gels - (reply: 2)
  660. how do you determine the correct voltage and time of running of an agarose gel? - (reply: 6)
  661. Tips on Casting acrylamide gel - (reply: 4)
  662. Urea gel - preparation of urea gel (reply: 2)
  663. Plused Field Gel Electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  664. tricin gel problem - shrinking of stacking gel (reply: 6)
  665. Storing SDS-page gels - (reply: 1)
  666. Extract hemoglobin from blood for starch gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  667. Differenciation between plasmid, super-coiled DNA and linear DNA - What is the difference between plasmid and other DNA on the gel? (reply: 1)
  668. Best electrophoresis set up? Biorad vs. Hoeffer - (reply: 4)
  669. Acrylamide gel to resolve DNA of similar size? - a little advise please (reply: 8)
  670. Strange analytical gel for miniprep - (reply: 4)
  671. Immunoblot (western) resolution vs electrophoresis resolution - (reply: 1)
  672. Softwares and hardwares used for scanning gel electrophoresis banding pattern - (reply: 1)
  673. electrophoresis of insulin - (reply: 2)
  674. DNA purification from agarose gels - (reply: 2)
  675. DNA Purification from gels - (reply: 4)
  676. Hand-held UV wand: the most useful thing ever? - Gel electrophoresis, southerns and northerns (reply: 7)
  677. How to analyze antigen-antobody complex on gel? - Which gel will NOT break the complex? (reply: 3)
  678. clarification - plasmid and gel - (reply: 9)
  679. RT-PCR- help - Polyacrylmide Gel electrophrosis for PCR products (reply: 3)
  680. No DNA on gel, but get PCR product - (reply: 2)
  681. Weird Band gel migration - Molecular biology (reply: 7)
  682. RNA sample stuck in well during agarose electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  683. NATIVE gel band - sample running at the side... - My NATIVE gel run produced a band which has hollowed out central with visible st (reply: 1)
  684. SDS-PAGE running with my sample widening? - my sample sort of grew fat in the separating gel...why? (reply: 8)
  685. how to interpret native gel result - (reply: 1)
  686. question on complexes - protein-ligand complex detection in native gels (reply: 1)
  687. gel purification after restriction digestion - (reply: 3)
  688. Wrong band size using precast gel - (reply: 4)
  689. No bands at all in gel for PCR products - (reply: 5)
  690. Broken gel apparatus--easy fix? - (reply: 9)
  691. AFLP gel staining trouble - (reply: 1)
  692. tris-tricine gel transfer - (reply: 3)
  693. RNA extraction with smear after electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  694. ssDNA smear during gel shift - (reply: 3)
  695. pcDNA3.1 & pBIG2i vectors appear "bigger" on the gel! :( - (reply: 1)
  696. ChIP sonication Input Agarose gel - (reply: 1)
  697. Gel retardation - (reply: 1)
  698. Two bands on a denaturing gel - always two bands on a denaturing gel with double stranded substrate? (reply: 1)
  699. Checking integrity of total RNA using gel? - (reply: 6)
  700. Introduced to Gel Retardation Assay - Today in practical class, our lecturer instructed us in GRA (reply: 2)
  701. separation of pcr products of similar sizes in agarose gel - (reply: 1)
  702. RNA Gel Problems - RNA not showing up as bands in gel (reply: 6)
  703. resolution of similar size products using agarose gel - heeeeeelp !!! =P (reply: 10)
  704. Agarose gel concentration for genomic DNA - (reply: 5)
  705. SDS-PAGE gel drying - (reply: 8)
  706. purification by gel? - after a first round of PCR (reply: 2)
  707. human RNA contaminated with bacterial RNA - give your opinion about a RNA gel (reply: 8)
  708. how to melt agarose, and keep it melted? - (reply: 3)
  709. Help Needed! DNA sample dispersed b4 electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  710. gel and gelatin - (reply: 1)
  711. Gel shift assay follow by Western blot analysis - Has anyone try this before? (reply: 8)
  712. Gel Electrophoresis DNA base pairs size - (reply: 1)
  713. U-shaped smear on EMSA gel - (reply: 1)
  714. How to stain /destain quickly SDS-PAGE gel? - your patents? (reply: 13)
  715. SOS: Gel purification of small size DNA - (reply: 6)
  716. agarose gel storage - (reply: 6)
  717. Gel Shift assays - (reply: 3)
  718. RNA gel problems - (reply: 2)
  719. protein did not enter the gel on EMSA - (reply: 2)
  720. Question about gel purification of PCR product - (reply: 1)
  721. IP and 2D gel analysis - buffer composition (reply: 1)
  722. 2D electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  723. gel extraction problem - (reply: 6)
  724. RNA Formaldehyde Gel problem - (reply: 5)
  725. DNA Gel Extraction Problem - multiple bandings in gel extraction product (reply: 5)
  726. Best Brand of Agarose? - (reply: 4)
  727. Help with electrophoresis - Phosphate ester electrophoresis (reply: 1)
  728. Smears on agarose gel, contamination? - (reply: 4)
  729. Glycine in gel; fiber typing - (reply: 1)
  730. Obtain larger dna fragments after digestion and gel cleaning - (reply: 2)
  731. Genomic DNA on agarose gel - two bands of genomic DNA on agarose gel (reply: 2)
  732. QIAquick Gel Extration Kit - (reply: 8)
  733. Agarose / salmon sperm slurry - from upstate (reply: 5)
  734. gel extraction of pcr products - (reply: 3)
  735. do agarose gels expire? - (reply: 4)
  736. Image processing of gel - (reply: 3)
  737. non-specific bands in agarose gel - too many bands visible! (reply: 3)
  738. Salmon sperm / agarose slurry - (reply: 3)
  739. which agarose to use for pre-clearing - IP (reply: 1)
  740. DNA concentration calculation from agarose gel - DNA concentration calculation (reply: 4)
  741. shift of protein bands in SDS gel electrophoresis - where does it come from, can it be improved (reply: 2)
  742. staining gels and western blot - (reply: 1)
  743. agarose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
  744. best gel concentration and voltage - (reply: 3)
  745. Is it possible to gel purify the ligated product? - Avoid non cut vector or self-liagted vector contam (reply: 2)
  746. how to apply molecular weight marker on 2D gels? - application marker for 2D (reply: 1)
  747. Odd curve of Gel purified PCR product - (reply: 5)
  748. gel purification - (reply: 1)
  749. Polyacrilamide Gel - (reply: 2)
  750. agrose Vs. PAGE - (reply: 3)
  751. RNA electrophoresis problem - RNA not denatured (reply: 9)
  752. gDNA on a gel? - (reply: 7)
  753. Gel Extraction of DNA - (reply: 5)
  754. EMSA/Gel Shift wells problem - Protein stuck in the wells of EMSA gel (reply: 10)
  755. Problem when making PAGE gel - (reply: 7)
  756. can i autoclave agarose gel with TAE buffer - (reply: 4)
  757. Dry SDS-PAGE gels - methods, tips to safely dry protein gels (reply: 2)
  758. problem with agarose gel? - (reply: 11)
  759. Polyacrylamide gel not polymerize - (reply: 5)
  760. Protein not penetrating the resolving part of the gel - (reply: 2)
  761. RNA isolation - i want to show a gel (reply: 4)
  762. Rhinohide polyacrylamide gel - (reply: 6)
  763. Identification of the cut and uncut plasmid on gel - (reply: 4)
  764. Gel extraxction question - (reply: 6)
  765. Power setting for electrophoresis - (reply: 5)
  766. 2D electrophoresis of Plasma - (reply: 3)
  767. Native Gel Staining?? - So I can electrolute proteins by cutting gel slice (reply: 4)
  768. How to determine appropriate agarose % - (reply: 8)
  769. Gel extraction and elution buffer - (reply: 4)
  770. SDS-PAGE gel not polymerize - (reply: 11)
  771. How to get sharp band on agarose gel? - (reply: 7)
  772. Gel extraction problem - (reply: 15)
  773. Sepharose or agarose in ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  774. Single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) - (reply: 1)
  775. SDS-PAGE gel sticking - Gel sticking to the membrane (reply: 3)
  776. problem with casting PAG - large number of persistent air bubbles in a gel (reply: 7)
  777. DNA not entering the gel - (reply: 1)
  778. can i store gel cut for dialysis - (reply: 3)
  779. PCR product on gel as smear - DNA isolated from paraffin blocks why smear? (reply: 1)
  780. Trouble with IEF gels - (reply: 2)
  781. gel running problems - lanes are smeared lines on the gel (reply: 3)
  782. DNA not entering the gel - (reply: 3)
  783. southern blot - gel loading - (reply: 2)
  784. DNA not entering the gel - (reply: 3)
  785. Is my gel not polymerising fully and why......? - (reply: 1)
  786. gel staining - (reply: 1)
  787. Unspecific bands after gel purification, why? - (reply: 7)
  788. in- gel trypsin digestion - (reply: 1)
  789. DNA binding by RE causes bigger band than substrate in gel? - Restriction digest of 500bp frag. with BsaXI (reply: 4)
  790. Ethidium Bromide POLL - Does anyone nuke their agarose w/ EtBr (reply: 7)
  791. SDS gel not polymerize - (reply: 6)
  792. SDS-PAGE gel problem - problems with the bottom zone of the gel (reply: 3)
  793. streaks on 2D gels - (reply: 4)
  794. 1% formaldehyde gel bands - (reply: 1)
  795. smear of loading buffer observed - SDS-PAGE gel (reply: 5)
  796. Gel Supershift - to DTT, or not to DTT? (reply: 1)
  797. can I freeze the gel slice for protein sequencing - (reply: 1)
  798. Quick way of purifying DNA? - Preparative Gel is time consuming (reply: 3)
  799. Agarose or acrylamide gel for DNA? - (reply: 6)
  800. gels used for RNA detection - (reply: 3)
  801. Ni-NTA problem - His-tag protein that never bound with Ni-NTA agarose (reply: 10)
  802. No peak for gel filtration for soluble protein - Need help (reply: 2)
  803. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of plasmid DNA - Agarose Gel Electrophortesis of plasmid DNA (reply: 1)
  804. gel migration - DNA gel migration problem (reply: 1)
  805. Extrremely bright bands in the WELLs of PCR agarose gel - Bright and sharp bands in the PCR gel well (reply: 9)
  806. In Gel Ligation - Anyone done it? (reply: 4)
  807. Protein purification - Problem with his-tag protein gel filtration (reply: 5)
  808. Agrose gel electrophoresis of bacterial RNA - 23srRNA and 16srRNA were not separated clearly (reply: 1)
  809. Gel run of pGEX-4T - (reply: 4)
  810. SDS lysate impurities - streaming on gel with SDS lysates (reply: 1)
  811. Non toxic gel staining for highschool student work - Agarose gel stains (reply: 3)
  812. Promega Gel Purification Kit - Cant get rid of ethanol (reply: 3)
  813. Reuse TAE buffer and agarose gel? - yes or no... (reply: 22)
  814. Protein isolation from acrylamide gels - (reply: 2)
  815. Polymerization SDS Gel - (reply: 7)
  816. Collagen gels not setting!! - (reply: 2)
  817. DGGE and Smiling bands! - Side bands on my DGGE gel keep smiling! (reply: 2)
  818. gel stain and gel extraction - crystal violet (reply: 1)
  819. How imidazole can be washed off the Ni-NTA agarose beads - reuse of Ni-NTA agarose beads for His protein (reply: 2)
  820. Electrophoresis - negative bands - (reply: 1)
  821. gel analysis of large RNA products - (reply: 3)
  822. Phenol red in agarose gel - (reply: 1)
  823. affinity chromatography - sepharose and agarose (reply: 1)
  824. Storage of 30% bis/acrylamide and SDS-PAGE gels - (reply: 8)
  825. Erroneous agarose gel bands - (reply: 2)
  826. Isolation restr. fragments from agarose gel by Qiagen kit - cloning fungal genomic DNA (reply: 1)
  827. use of direct current for electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  828. EtBr in gel when run mRNA? - (reply: 2)
  829. Agarose gel issue - (reply: 3)
  830. Cells in collagen gel - Growing mammalian cells in collagen gel (reply: 1)
  831. Why is my Agarose gel glowing? - (reply: 12)
  832. Strange mobility behavior of PCR products on agarose gel - EB stained vs Gelstar stained (reply: 2)
  833. clonning gel purification - (reply: 1)
  834. Help: try ligation but see nothing from the gels - (reply: 9)
  835. ISSR - electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  836. my bands spread as a line trough the gel - (reply: 3)
  837. SDS gel troubleshoot - My proteins do not show up in the gel. (reply: 1)
  838. Well adding Sybr green in a PCR mix - to detect quicker than by electrophoresis PCR prod (reply: 4)
  839. DNA recovery from agarose gel---help!!! - (reply: 2)
  840. Invitrogen platinum pfx enzyme not so fantastic - problems with pcr product gel migration (reply: 1)
  841. Banding in agarose gel wells. - amplified fragment will not migrate! (reply: 7)
  842. IEF gel problem - (reply: 1)
  843. protein aggegation or? - protein in the wells of native gel (reply: 3)
  844. Collagen Gel Contraction - Contracting gels using vitrogen collagen (reply: 1)
  845. Immunoprecipitation and 2D gels - (reply: 1)
  846. gel drying problem - asking for help (reply: 5)
  847. Western blot for 2D gel - (reply: 1)
  848. Large Fragment Gel Separation - (reply: 2)
  849. about semi-quantity of PCR products on agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  850. RNA electrophoresis - RNA electrophoresis (reply: 2)
  851. In reference to low tm - I have smearing as well on a dna gel (reply: 2)
  852. Formaldehyde Gel - Question about RNA gel (reply: 1)
  853. how to do the antibody supershift through PAGE gel - (reply: 2)
  854. Collagen gels - Problems with growth of endothelial cells on collagen gels (reply: 1)
  855. 2D gel streaking - 2Dgel streaking (reply: 3)
  856. How to elute proteins from a SDS-PAGE gel? - (reply: 1)
  857. Ethidium bromide DNA gel staining - rapidly fading bands (reply: 1)
  858. qiaxII gel extraction kit.... - (reply: 1)
  859. Probe preparation for gel shift - (reply: 1)
  860. Plasmid DNA extraction - Extracted plasmid cannot be seen in agarose gel (reply: 9)
  861. electrophoresis resolution - separate DNA of similar size - (reply: 10)
  862. No 28s rRNA band in agarose gel? - (reply: 1)
  863. polyacrylamide-agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  864. Three bands after Ni agarosecolumn - (reply: 1)
  865. Total RNA agaroseelectrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  866. Zymmography gels - (reply: 1)
  867. Electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  868. PAGE electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
  869. electrophoretc mobility shiftassay - (reply: 1)
  870. Low pH Native gel - (reply: 1)
  871. a childish qustion about agrose gel electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  872. RNA electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  873. QIAquick gel extraction kit - high salt problem - QIAquick gel extraction kit - high salt problem (reply: 1)
  874. Gel separation of two fragments of similar size - (reply: 1)
  875. Fixing a gel - meaning? - (reply: 1)
  876. electrophoresis buffer - when I should replace running buffer (reply: 1)
  877. Protein extraction form gels - (reply: 2)
  878. 2 D electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  879. How to calculate the migration distance? - Gel Electrophoresis (reply: 2)
  880. SDS-PAGE gel cracks - PAGE gel cracks after framing in cellophane (reply: 1)
  881. Why is formaldehyde added to RNA gels? - (reply: 1)
  882. Lyophilized or Silica gel dried tissue protocols - DNA protocols (reply: 1)
  883. gel shift/supershift conditions - (reply: 2)
  884. proteins electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  885. RNA on formaldehyde gel - (reply: 1)
  886. QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit - (reply: 1)
  887. phantom band in DNA purification - A new band appears after purifying DNA from agarose gels (reply: 1)
  888. Ethidium bromide in formaldehyde gel? - (reply: 1)
  889. How to make PCR  using the gel solution - (reply: 1)