recipe for SB buffer for electrophoresis - (Sep/03/2007 )
Hi all,
I'm hoping someone can help me. I remember reading on this forum a while back about sodium borate buffer for electrophoresis. I have tried a lit search to find a recipe, but haven't been successful. I was wondering if anyone here uses it, and if they could give me their recipe???
thanks in advance
my research was done using keywords "sodium borate buffer electrophoresis bioforum" Not true hard but here it is.
That's my use of google as bioforum topics research assistant.
please find your answer
Thanks Fred.
I actually tried finding papers with a recipe and didn't actually try google, I don't like to use it as I find you usually end up having to sift through pages of rubbish to find what you are after, and even then it is seldom reliable.
I will have a go at the recipe found in the previous bioforum topic you linked for me
well there used to have a search tool available in bioforum website... now i can't find it anymore.
so i use the keyword bioforum in google to help see topics from bioforum.
as google tells you if it's a pdf file which is hyperlinked, you may see if it may be an article, confirmation may occur from webadress.
good thinking
Thanks again