NuSieve GTG agarose gel takes forever to dissolve - (Jan/07/2008 )
Hello everyone,
i am working with NuSieve GTG agarose gel. i have to make 4%. According to the instructions you are supposed to sprinkel gel in chilled buffer and the heat it while it is stirred on a hot plate. It is supposed to be dissolved in 10 minutes. It took me 60 MINUTES! I was finally able to dissolve it but only when i added more hot distilled water. That however obviously decreased the concentration of the gel a bit (around 3.5%). Is there a better way?
we used to leave the nusieve agarose overnight in buffer and melt it the next day. Makes things much easier.
Thank you for the tip. Do you leave it cold buffer over night or on a hotplate while it is stirring? Also do you use TAE or TBE buffer.
we briefly swirl the beaker and leave it in RT and cover the beaker. We use TBE buffer.
we briefly swirl the beaker and leave it in RT and cover the beaker. We use TBE buffer.
sorry what does RT stand for?
room temperature
would this method be applicable when using TAE buffer?
I had used metaphor that is also @#$% to disolve, I let it hidrate in the cold buffer for at least 10 min stiring, then microwave it usually take less than 10 min. Also I used at no more than 3.5% and serve it hot, because polymerize very quick.
Also when better resolution is needed than regular agarose I just mix 50/50 of regular agarose and high purify agarose.
it should work with TAE also. Its just that we always used TBE in the old lab so we used TBE with nusieve also.