agarose gel electrophoresis - (Aug/21/2005 )
when does one use TBE and TAE for agarose gel electrophoresis? coz the resolution of my bands are not very i was wondering if i was using the wrong buffer to make my gels and run it....wud appreciate any help. thanks.
when does one use TBE and TAE for agarose gel electrophoresis? coz the resolution of my bands are not very i was wondering if i was using the wrong buffer to make my gels and run it....wud appreciate any help. thanks.
what is the % of your agarose gel? %1 or %2 ? because this is also important for a good resolution.% 2 is better than % 1 for a good one i think...
See you.
I have found there isn't much difference between TBE and TAE, both are acidic in about the same range, but that isn't important. It is concentration of ions to be used as a carrier for the current that counts, both 1XTBE and 1XTAE have approximately the same ionic strengths.
As the post above mentions gel concentration is probably more important.
TAE is cheaper to use and lasts a bit longer as a 20X stock (from my experience).
TAE is used for recovery of separated fragments from agarose gel after electrophoresis; it also permits better separation of fragments of high molecular weight but the "buffer capacity" is low (<6h)
TBE is recommended when need of better resolution with small fragments (<1kb); material diffusion is diminished because of the interaction between buffer with agarose
personally i prefer sodium borate/EDTA buffer; view my reply in this topic: