RNA gel - very interesting bands - (Dec/03/2008 )
Hello all,
I did bacterial RNA extraction followed by the denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis. I am sure that i extracted RNA but in the gel I only see two huge black bands with a space between them and nothing else!?
For sure there is nothing but mistake on this results but i was wondering the only new thing on my procedure was the DEPC water that I prepared 3 liters and autoclaved only once which was pretty smelly. Is it possible that it can be the problem?
dear, those huge black bands with a space in between are probably your RNA. what did you expect them to look like? You probably have too concentrated RNA loaded. DEPC water should be autoclaved twice after stirring overnight. if made right, after autoclave there shouldn't be any smell. and DEPC is sweet-smelling, like fruity ether. not smelly.