Agarose Gel instead of PAGE: Is it possible ? - (Dec/10/2007 )
I know Page (with vertical electrophoresis) must be used for fragments under 100bp differences.
But is it possible to use high concentration agarose gel with horizontal electrophoresis.
Or can I use horizontal electrophoresis for Page.
check this thread:
electrophoresis resolution
note the mention of metaphor agarose (you can also search the threads for this).
yes. you can run horizontal page. ief-page is often run horizontal. you can adapt any page technique for horizontal apparatus, with some modification.
you do not, however, run it the same way as agarose (ie-not submerged). if you really want to try this, and have the proper apparatus then more advice can be given.
we use 4% agarose gel for small fragments running horizontally. There are special agarose like Neusieve to visualize 10bps of DNA.
Yes, we also do that and run gel just like with normal gel.
google "Novex Invitrogen" and you will find alot of agarose gels for horizontal electroforeses of small samples (but with these precast gels you need the appropriate equipment).
I'm using 3% Metaphor with 20bp ladder (the one from sigma goes 20bp to 1000bp in 20bp steps) to look at 6bp size differences.