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901. PCR product self life? - (reply: 2)
902. economical miniprep kit - Which one? (reply: 16)
903. Problem on PCR from cDNA - (reply: 3)
904. TOPO cloning problems - (reply: 8)
905. why does empty EGFP vector has no fluorescence? :/ - (reply: 5)
906. dephosphorylated vector and PCR insert - (reply: 7)
907. cDNA libraries - (reply: 2)
908. is my cloning strategy right - (reply: 6)
909. cloning, got conoly, no dna at all. help! - (reply: 9)
910. blunt end ligation after inverse PCR - (reply: 5)
911. Cloning fragments with blunt ends - (reply: 2)
912. How long is too long for a TA vector? - (reply: 2)
913. DNA linear transformation failure - (reply: 2)
914. Multiple ligation - How many digestion products is it possible to ligate at the same time ? (reply: 6)
915. RACE product cloning in TOPO vector - (reply: 1)
916. 38bp insert and 6.7kb vector ligation problem - the ligation efficiency is too low (reply: 8)
917. annealing oligo to a cut vector - (reply: 3)
918. How to store a linearized Vector? - (reply: 7)
919. Which TA vector do you use? - Who do you use, or do you make your own? (reply: 2)
920. TA cloning and mutation - (reply: 3)
921. Clonning with one restriction enzyme - Some help please (reply: 2)
922. can someone tell me about extraction DNA from polyacrylamide gel? - (reply: 10)
923. Sparks while electroporating via gene pulser - Inquiry (reply: 9)
924. Primer design - (reply: 4)
925. will linearizing plasmid prolong transient transfection ? - (reply: 1)
926. HUGE colonies everywhere! - (reply: 4)
927. subcloning dengue NS1 gene problems - molecular biology, cloning (reply: 5)
928. can I just ethanol precipitate Klenow? - without deactivating it? (reply: 4)
929. getting rid of undigested vector - (reply: 5)
930. Fusion protein questions - Botched deletion primer (reply: 2)