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1351. low plasmid dna from ET host - Low plasmid Dna concentration in Ecoli ET 12567 (reply: 3)
1352. directional cloning - (reply: 1)
1353. Expression vector - (reply: 1)
1354. Plasmid Extraction from a big volume of pellet - Molecular biology (reply: 2)
1355. Huge DNA loss after purification - (reply: 8)
1356. Transformation of a 21kb vector - (reply: 11)
1357. Qiagen Gel Extraction of PCR product - (reply: 7)
1358. double digest pcDNA(+) by XhoI&XbaI, uncompletely? - (reply: 3)
1359. Annealing temperatures for long primers? - PCR reaction (reply: 6)
1360. How to fill in 5` overhangs after Restriction digestion - (reply: 2)
1361. Glycerol wash protocol for chemical competent cells - (reply: 1)
1362. Southern transfer towels - (reply: 1)
1363. Rescue from DNAase activity - (reply: 2)
1364. Ligating two inserts? - (reply: 3)
1365. HELP! cloning cDNA from double-stranded cDNA synthesis - (reply: 2)
1366. ligation into pcDNA3.1(-) - (reply: 3)
1367. Colony PCR positive, miniprep negative? - (reply: 9)
1368. question about "c-Src myristolation" - (reply: 2)
1369. Directional cloning problem - (reply: 2)
1370. troubles with human genomic DNA amplification - (reply: 1)
1371. polyethylimine? - (reply: 2)
1372. Kozak sequence - (reply: 2)
1373. size problem - (reply: 3)
1374. which kit i should use for isolating mRNA from Soil? - (reply: 1)
1375. Join GFP to my insert without mutagenesis - (reply: 8)
1376. PCR of long fragment(approx 8 kb) - (reply: 3)
1377. Is re-sequencing needed for insert ligated into a second vector? - (reply: 1)
1378. question on TOPO TA problems - no positive colonies - (reply: 4)
1379. Protocol for insert orientation - (reply: 1)
1380. basic question - (reply: 1)