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Which TA vector do you use? - Who do you use, or do you make your own? (Nov/17/2006 )

Hey all,

Now that I am officially a grad student the job of reagent purchasing and troubleshooting has fallen to me. We normally use Invitrogen's pCR 2.1 TA vector, but someone has reported that it stopped working (no transformants and the were shown not to be the cause). Has anyone had anything similar happen?

My PI asked me to buy more, does anyone know of a good reliable and affordable brand they use?

Does anyone make their own somehow?

As always, Thank you,

Neil Stewart


My lab does both

For difficult stuff we use an Invitrogen made vector.

For easy stuff we use homemade TA vector, engineered from pBS. You can look up the basic idea on OpenWetWare on enginnering TA vectors.


QUOTE (perneseblue @ Nov 17 2006, 06:29 PM)
My lab does both

For difficult stuff we use an Invitrogen made vector.

For easy stuff we use homemade TA vector, engineered from pBS. You can look up the basic idea on OpenWetWare on enginnering TA vectors.

