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271. ligation - very small insert - problems during ligation (reply: 11)
272. How to find DNA sequence upstream of gene? - (reply: 3)
273. Multimerization after restriction digestion - (reply: 9)
274. low concentartion of DNA after miniprep - (reply: 6)
275. pcr template amount - (reply: 2)
276. cloning kills - (reply: 5)
277. help. Is this double digest right? - (reply: 5)
278. TOPO TA Cloning - hundreds of colonies, 0 insert - (reply: 6)
279. Adding Anitbiotic to Cooled Agar Plates - (reply: 8)
280. cloning pGEMT - (reply: 4)
281. gel extraction - (reply: 1)
282. pcr template - (reply: 4)
283. how to find the intron size - (reply: 2)
284. how to design a northen blot probe? - (reply: 1)
285. Western blotting for Histones - (reply: 1)
286. how to clone the promoter of a gene - (reply: 3)
287. generating an array by gene amplification - (reply: 2)
288. genome amplification before cloning? - (reply: 2)
289. how to clone multiple inserts simulataneously - need to make a triple fusion (reply: 1)
290. Double digest and 3' end polishing with klenow - (reply: 1)
291. how to clone unstable DNA? - (reply: 4)
292. Which is the best way of determining the concentration of DNA? - (reply: 3)
293. PCR on template with trinucleotide repeats - PCR tips for complexe DNA template (reply: 4)
294. Ligation problem? - (reply: 10)
295. positive colony PCR, but no insert!? - (reply: 5)
296. how to do serial digestion with EcoR1 and bamH1 - (reply: 5)
297. No colonies - (reply: 3)
298. why OD600=0.3~0.4 is important? - (reply: 8)
299. Why does insert has two bands after RE digestion? - (reply: 3)
300. could anybody help me? - (reply: 3)