question about "c-Src myristolation" - (Mar/10/2006 )
Hi! Guys.
I have a question about " c-Src myristolation". Reading a paper on constitutively active Akt, Ad-myrAkt. They say that it has a c-Src myristolation sequence which is fused with N -terminus of the wild type Akt coding sequence that targets the fusion protein to the membrane.
If anyone understands, help me. Thankssss a ton!
basically, that basic knowledge of mocecular biology.
You're not really well engaged for your exam...
That means : Nterminal of the protein holds the c-Src myristolation motif (AGRPEDDRF for ex) and directly after it the standard sequence of the protein.
It also means that the fusion protein will localize to the membrane, rendering Akt constitutively active in fact, because Akt is active when it is localized to the membrane.