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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Cloning
871. Restriction Enzyme sites in my genes - (reply: 1)
872. TOPO vs. Gateway cloning - Which is the better choice for large inserts. (reply: 4)
873. Mayday Mayday - about the ligation problems - ligation trouble shooting (reply: 3)
874. In-Fusion (Clontech) Reaction buffer - (reply: 1)
875. Transfection of CHO cells with Fc receptor - Problems with expression murine Fcgamma recptor (reply: 1)
876. MDA-MB-231 cell transfection - (reply: 5)
877. Using pcr2.1 Topo (cloning) vector as expression, Huh? - possible? I heard from a PhD student seminar... (reply: 1)
878. Break Cell Clumps - prepare single cells for injections (reply: 1)
879. 126pb insert clonnig/ digestion issues - (reply: 3)
880. cloning problem... - (reply: 5)
881. yeast glycerol stock - (reply: 2)
882. yeast transformation - (reply: 1)
883. Problems with ligation and transformation - (reply: 2)
884. very small insert and a very ling vector - (reply: 1)
885. Guanidine thiocynate contamination in gel extraction - Precipitation vs column (reply: 1)
886. cDNA clone - (reply: 1)
887. cDNA for plasmid transformation PLEASE HElP - (reply: 3)
888. why these guys use T7 instead of CMV? - for transfection (reply: 2)
889. Electroporation - no colonies (reply: 1)
890. enzymes inactivation - (reply: 3)
891. help: why plasmid yield dropped ever since the first culture - (reply: 2)
893. miRNA cloning - (reply: 2)
894. Gene Synthesis - Navigating through vectors, copy number, toxic protein (reply: 4)
895. Single-digested vector shifts downward on gel - (reply: 1)
896. problem in digestion - (reply: 1)
897. Cloning does not work - (reply: 4)
898. Small Colonies After Transformation - (reply: 5)
899. Ligation and transformation problem - (reply: 2)
900. Agrobacterium EHA101 competent cells - (reply: 1)