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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Cloning
511. Residues on the N terminal GST Tag - (reply: 1)
512. Where to place the polyA signal? - (reply: 1)
513. identification of target sequence - (reply: 3)
514. cloning pcr insert into plasmid - (reply: 2)
515. TOPO TA CLONING - MOLAR RATIO - (reply: 2)
516. Large quantity heat shock trouble? - (reply: 3)
517. molecular cloning - (reply: 7)
518. Cannot see insert with colony pcr - (reply: 6)
519. Ethidium precipitation in CsCl Maxiprep - (reply: 1)
520. help with a vector - (reply: 3)
521. Amplicon as Template in PCR for TOPO TA Cloning - (reply: 10)
522. Another cloning transformants - (reply: 1)
523. Agrobacterium LBA4404 transformation - (reply: 1)
524. TOPO TA Cloning Troubleshooting - (reply: 1)
525. How do you screen promoter regions if you can only PCR a few thousand bp - (reply: 1)
526. Tricistronic vector - (reply: 1)
527. gel extraction problems with the new kit from Macherey&Nagel - (reply: 5)
528. How would you find a certain tissue specific promoter for my construct? - (reply: 2)
529. Directions of genes expression illustrations - (reply: 5)
530. Plasmid DNA at RT for a few days - (reply: 4)
531. TOPO TA Cloning - (reply: 1)
532. different orientation or direction of genes in expression Plasmid vector - (reply: 4)
533. No insert in subcloning - (reply: 3)
534. Digest does not confirm presence of fragment - (reply: 5)
535. Multiway ligation problems: pBS + 3 fragments: bad pattern - (reply: 1)
536. pGL3 Promoter replacing TSS bases - (reply: 1)
537. lipofectamine 2000:DNA complex stability - (reply: 2)
538. Problems with Ecoli glycerol stock - (reply: 6)
539. Smear after digestion of a plasmid from a Dam- strain - (reply: 1)
540. CIAP dilution - (reply: 5)