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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Cloning
781. Question about Molar ratio - (reply: 4)
782. Determining optimal digestion time for partial digestion - (reply: 2)
783. Ligation problem - (reply: 16)
784. double digestion with sac1, hindIII - (reply: 3)
785. self-ligation Anneled oligos - (reply: 7)
786. Restriction Enzyme Inactivation & Pfu PCR - (reply: 2)
787. Looking for a GFP plasmid (non-amp) - (reply: 3)
788. clonning problem (recombined by-products) - (reply: 8)
789. Genecloning three types of molecules? - (reply: 11)
790. help in digesting DNA fragment using restriction enzyme - (reply: 2)
791. Tansformation fails ,how can i make it ? - (reply: 3)
792. pelB leader - how to use - (reply: 1)
793. Transformation bacteria heat chock and incubation? - (reply: 2)
794. useing a uniqeu enzyme for both insert and vector digestion - (reply: 14)
795. ligation of pcr product into expression vector - (reply: 4)
796. amp plates containing xgal/iptg with expression vector - (reply: 6)
797. Strange Vector Problems - (reply: 3)
798. white colonies - (reply: 2)
799. how to design a kozak sequence in front of the start codon - (reply: 1)
800. Transforming bacteria with plasmid from filter paper, months later - (reply: 5)
801. XhoI digestion - (reply: 12)
802. Lenti vector ligation - (reply: 2)
803. Cloning from a pGEMT Easy vector - (reply: 3)
804. Distance between RE sites for double digestion - (reply: 5)
805. Plasmid compatible with pBAD24 - (reply: 1)
806. I cant get colony - (reply: 3)
807. cloning 2 PCR products into pGEM-T easy vector - (reply: 1)
808. Vector with inducible/repressible system - (reply: 1)
809. cloning problem - (reply: 9)
810. Cloning genes into plant vector - (reply: 1)