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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Cloning
481. How to set up simultaneous digestion? - (reply: 3)
482. adding Nde1 and Xho 1 restriction site in PCR primer - (reply: 2)
483. Problem with ligation using pJET and pGEM for clone library - (reply: 11)
484. Freeze transformation mixture? - (reply: 2)
485. Cutting my plasmid made it larger - (reply: 7)
486. The Issue of Freezing and Using colonies of Tranformed DH5a - (reply: 7)
487. Amplification of CAG promoter problems - (reply: 4)
488. restriction enzyme - (reply: 2)
489. Recreate original plasmid by cutting out insert - (reply: 2)
490. Colony-PCR workaround - (reply: 3)
491. I have a 96 tandem array repeat clone but need half of them in new clone - (reply: 4)
492. Can I pause a bacterial culture at 4°C - (reply: 2)
494. posting sequences of plasmid? - (reply: 3)
495. Restriction Enzyme Digest not working - (reply: 2)
496. After ligation,I found that my colony on amplicilin plate have not insert gene - (reply: 3)
497. Incomplete digestion of plasmid with single enzyme - (reply: 1)
498. problem with plasmid digestion - (reply: 5)
499. Difficult Ligation - Details Inside - (reply: 9)
500. pET 32 (+) - (reply: 1)
501. Alternative to pET Vectorsystem - (reply: 2)
502. pEGFP C-1/N-1 Cloning - (reply: 11)
503. Do you have to purify target vector after double digest from MCS piece - (reply: 1)
504. Problems with growing out transformants in liquid LB - (reply: 3)
505. Low yield of putative clone compared to empty vector in DH5alpha using pGEMTeasy - (reply: 3)
506. Ethidiumbromide - (reply: 3)
507. TRYPSIN - (reply: 4)
508. Problem with cloning - what is wrong? - (reply: 6)
509. cloning: band at different site than desired after RE digestion - (reply: 11)
510. GST TAG - (reply: 3)