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391. DGGE and SSCP in one aparathure - Opinioin on the INGENYphorU system (reply: 1)
392. Single cuvette in double beam spectrophotometer - (reply: 1)
393. Dominant Negative Mutant - (reply: 3)
394. bead beating - (reply: 4)
395. Isolation of RNA from Difficult Tissues - (reply: 3)
396. Use of silver staining for DNA in polyacrylamide gels... - or any other helpful suggestios to improve detection! (reply: 5)
397. DNA extraction from serum ? - How can i do that?? (reply: 6)
398. TBE - (reply: 2)
399. Ethidium Bromide - (reply: 4)
400. Paraformaldehyde and formaldehyde - Which is the difference? (reply: 1)
401. How would I prepare a single phosphate buffered saline solution from three stock - (reply: 4)
402. substitute for Dnase away - (reply: 7)
403. Why we need to wash yeast with water when harvesting? - (reply: 2)
404. PAGE not uniform migration - (reply: 5)
405. Reaction Rate - How to calculate reaction rate of asay (reply: 1)
406. media composition - (reply: 6)
407. Taking Agarose Gel Pic with Regular Digital Camera - (reply: 14)
408. N-acetyl-L-cysteine-NaOH - (reply: 3)
409. Fluorescence vs. Absorbance filters - (reply: 4)
410. Ethanol precipitation- amount of RNA? - (reply: 1)
411. G protein inhibition - (reply: 3)
412. do nanodrop blanking solutions affect readings? - (reply: 2)
413. Question: What purpose does bromophenol blue serve in my protein isolation? - protein isolation (reply: 3)
414. PBS buffer - (reply: 2)
415. Ultra pure agarose - (reply: 4)
416. frozen stock ...... - (reply: 1)
417. how to remove contaminated RNA in DNA extract - (reply: 4)
418. Maxiprep Corex Tube Replacement - (reply: 8)
419. how to remove detergent from protein sample - (reply: 4)
420. Small fragment sticky-end ligation into EGFP-N1 vector - (reply: 2)