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1171. INVERSE PCR - (reply: 4)
1172. DNA/RNA isolation from small starting material? - Which is the best method RNeasy, Trizol, etc? (reply: 2)
1173. nonlinear gradient - how to set up a program? (reply: 1)
1174. Does "bacto" matter? - (reply: 1)
1175. microtubules / actin, centrifuging - (reply: 5)
1176. IPTG induction - (reply: 2)
1177. look for protocol of glycero-gradient ultracentrifugation - (reply: 1)
1178. Gel filtration estimations - (reply: 1)
1179. Electrode Storage solution - Protocol for preparation of Storage solution (reply: 3)
1180. getting rid of Endotoxin - Protocol needed for making sample endotoxin free (reply: 5)
1181. urgent: making KAN plates from prepoured LB plates - (reply: 3)
1182. Noise in DNA sequencing peak reading - (reply: 2)
1183. running itme for gels - (reply: 3)
1184. how do i make dry methanol? - (reply: 1)
1185. Soil pH - help (reply: 5)
1186. MgATP stock solution - how? (reply: 1)
1187. Spectramax VS picogreen for DNA quantification - (reply: 2)
1188. Problem with protein transfer in non-reducing conditions - (reply: 4)
1189. Silver stain vs Western blot - (reply: 5)
1190. Protein samples not transferring over to membrane - Western Blot (reply: 13)
1191. Native Gel bovine IgG - Native Gel (reply: 8)
1192. spectrophotometer (i need help) - (reply: 3)
1193. sterilisation - (reply: 3)
1194. DNA sequencer - (reply: 2)
1195. why centrifuge before doing a cell count? - (reply: 1)
1196. What kind of antibodies to use? Conjugated vs. unconjugated? - (reply: 19)
1197. Buffers for Anion Exchange Chromatogrphy - (reply: 8)
1198. whole cell extracts - (reply: 1)
1199. Why is EB added into RNA loading buffer? - (reply: 4)
1200. Why there is use of only a single primer in case RAPD amplification - (reply: 1)