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1891. sequencing with large plasmids - (reply: 4)
1892. Why freshly prepared alkaline solution II for plasmid extraction? - (reply: 10)
1893. pH of Depc H2O - Does anyone know? (reply: 15)
1894. Calcium Chloride use in gelatin zymography - (reply: 1)
1895. problem with Bradford assay - problem with Bradford assay (reply: 2)
1896. DNA extraction from soil - (reply: 2)
1897. Water as an alternative for TE buffer? - (reply: 11)
1898. agarose gel storage - (reply: 6)
1899. DNA concentration calculation - (reply: 4)
1900. Centrifuge Radius for rpm-->g - what radius to measure ? (reply: 5)
1901. activity measurements on fixed tissues - (reply: 1)
1902. Question about gel purification of PCR product - (reply: 1)
1903. restriction digestion - (reply: 2)
1904. buffer preparation for molecular biology - (reply: 9)
1905. spectrophotometer - (reply: 2)
1906. Concentrating conditioned medium from cells - (reply: 6)
1907. Difference between phosphate buffer & potassium phosphate buffer - (reply: 2)
1908. I hate Spectrophotometer,Nanodrop etc then How to find DNA concentration? - (reply: 8)
1909. Taq polymerase dilution? - (reply: 3)
1910. cellular hydration - (reply: 1)
1911. 50mM Potassium Phosphate buffer, pH 6.0 - (reply: 1)
1912. 0.1M Phospahte Buffer, pH8.5 - Buffer Protocol (reply: 1)
1913. dumb question about SOB media - (reply: 2)
1914. dna sequencing amount - (reply: 4)
1915. Trouble with IEC-6 cell transfection - (reply: 3)
1916. How to avoid getting a precipitate with Giemsa staining??? - (reply: 2)
1917. Tris: Does it mean -HCl or -base - (reply: 6)
1918. how to wash glass homogenizer - (reply: 3)
1919. Help with electrophoresis - Phosphate ester electrophoresis (reply: 1)
1920. Phosphate buffer - (reply: 6)