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1141. Too stupid to do a MidiPrep? - -how come it is not working- (reply: 8)
1142. looking for a protocol for in vitro treatment of tissues - (reply: 2)
1143. French Press and Detergents - (reply: 2)
1144. Far UV CD - (reply: 1)
1145. An alternative to a PIPES buffer ... - how to dissolve and enzymatically determine lipids (reply: 3)
1146. basic gel question - (reply: 7)
1147. Yeast 2-Hybrid selection media - (reply: 2)
1148. Dissolving high concentration of SDS - (reply: 1)
1149. HEMOCYTOMETER - (reply: 17)
1150. How to confirm DEPC is inactivated after autoclaving it? - (reply: 2)
1151. adding antibiotics to already made YT plates - (reply: 6)
1152. 7AAD and PI - (reply: 1)
1153. UV radiation - converting... (reply: 8)
1154. Is glass impermeable to UV radiation? - (reply: 12)
1155. ELISA Incubation time? - (reply: 2)
1156. cDNA storage: Can we store cDNA for future use? - (reply: 3)
1157. Buffered Phenol Troubleshooting - (reply: 4)
1158. PFGE equipment - (reply: 5)
1159. horizontal electrophoresis - glycerol or ficoll or without (reply: 2)
1160. Troubleshooting degenerate PCR - what is too degenerate (and other Qs) (reply: 2)
1162. How to lift attached CD14 cells? - (reply: 3)
1163. expression - important (reply: 1)
1164. Smeary DNA band on agarose gel - (reply: 5)
1165. How to determine the DNA sequence without sequencing? - (reply: 8)
1166. INVERSE PCR - (reply: 4)
1167. DNA/RNA isolation from small starting material? - Which is the best method RNeasy, Trizol, etc? (reply: 2)
1168. nonlinear gradient - how to set up a program? (reply: 1)
1169. Does "bacto" matter? - (reply: 1)
1170. microtubules / actin, centrifuging - (reply: 5)