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1831. washing electroporation cuvettes - can't get rid of contaminants (reply: 5)
1832. Protease K preparation without Ca2+, Whether the Protease K acitivity is affecte - help me! (reply: 2)
1833. BSA required for fatty acid induced CCK ? - (reply: 1)
1834. DNA extraction by TRIzol - (reply: 2)
1835. RNA sample stuck in well during agarose electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
1836. Slow freezing and thawing of FCS - (reply: 1)
1837. DNA Microarrays with materials from paraffin blocks - (reply: 4)
1838. Apramycin plates - (reply: 4)
1839. Spce RNA/DNA Quartz curvette? - (reply: 4)
1840. Synchronize hela cells with double thymidine block - mechanism of double thymidine block (reply: 1)
1841. Please help with Collagenase Type I - (reply: 5)
1842. membrane protein - (reply: 1)
1843. How to get rid of Comassie - (reply: 3)
1844. calculation problem - (reply: 11)
1845. PCR High GC content - PCR High GC content (reply: 11)
1846. Ampicillin - Problem in amipicillin solution prep. (reply: 13)
1847. blood - (reply: 2)
1848. Help me - vero-MCF-7 Hela cells culture (reply: 1)
1849. centricon 0.5-2kDa cutoff - (reply: 4)
1850. dsRNA - method? (reply: 1)
1851. saline injections - (reply: 1)
1852. Alizarin red/Trypan blue stain - (reply: 3)
1853. What UV filter for digital camera and EtBr - (reply: 1)
1854. spectrophotometry - blank pbs? (reply: 1)
1855. gel purification after restriction digestion - (reply: 3)
1856. electroporing empty cuvettes ? work or not? - (reply: 1)
1857. Apochromatic or achormatic lens in microscopy - (reply: 1)
1858. Molar concentration help - prepare an oligo 200 pmol/ul (reply: 6)
1859. Broken gel apparatus--easy fix? - (reply: 9)
1860. STRIPPING BUFFER? - how to make good STRIPPING BUFFER? (reply: 3)