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Top : Forum Archives: : General-Lab-Techniques
1771. DNA Art Project - (reply: 1)
1772. How to fix coverslip on the base glass? - observing under immersion objective (reply: 3)
1773. About cell diameter - Help,please browse (reply: 1)
1774. Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase- Activity study protocol - (reply: 1)
1775. Milk for blocking - (reply: 9)
1776. How to safeguard dNTPS? - (reply: 9)
1777. How do I measure Bilirubin levels? - (reply: 3)
1778. Troubleshooting a Low 260/280 DNA ratio & Phenol storage - (reply: 2)
1779. Making ampicillin plates from plain LB plates - Making amp plates from prepoured LB plates (reply: 2)
1780. General questions about western - (reply: 2)
1781. QUery on units - Molarity conversions (reply: 1)
1782. buffer preparation - (reply: 3)
1783. 12N Hydrochloride - 12N Hydrochloride (reply: 1)
1784. is it ok to autoclave paper? - (reply: 2)
1785. NP-40 or Triton - (reply: 1)
1786. Alcohol for molecular procedures - what type is best? (reply: 4)
1787. QuickChange mutagenesis: how to do it without kit? - What dNTP concentration should I use? (reply: 1)
1788. Transformation and ligation problems - (reply: 3)
1789. Aqueous Phase of DNA extraction - DNa extraction (reply: 2)
1790. Making TE buffer - (reply: 6)
1791. how do you determine the correct voltage and time of running of an agarose gel? - (reply: 6)
1792. about designing PCR primers - help (reply: 3)
1793. stupid question: why do serum starving? - (reply: 2)
1794. Measure DNA concentration - best way? (reply: 5)
1795. Tips on Casting acrylamide gel - (reply: 4)
1796. blood withdrawn from rats - (reply: 2)
1797. Plasmid appears as two bands after double digestion - (reply: 2)
1798. Using TBST buffer - protein phosphorylation (reply: 3)
1799. DEPC treatment? - (reply: 2)
1800. My horrible Vacuum Blotting Device - (reply: 3)