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Top : Forum Archives: : General-Lab-Techniques
901. Huntington - molecular detection (reply: 4)
902. Amplifying a 1700bp fragment using a mismatched primer pair - (reply: 2)
903. How to do the lysis of cells without white stuff? - (reply: 1)
904. How to prepare sample before doing a spec? - (reply: 4)
905. cloning vs. direct sequencing - (reply: 1)
906. alkaline lysis - endonuclease ? - (reply: 7)
907. how to calculate cell number? - (reply: 1)
908. Nematode Assay - How to do nematode assay (reply: 1)
909. Why has does my developed blot look smeared? (Western Blotting) - Western Blotting Analysis (reply: 3)
910. Trouble with Elisa calibration curve - ??? (reply: 6)
911. What is the best way to get conditioned medium? - (reply: 2)
912. What safety and risk assessments should i be aware of in doing PCR and gel elect - (reply: 2)
913. ECL gives me lower sensitivity than chromogenic. Why could it be? - (reply: 5)
914. bone marrow isolation - (reply: 4)
915. centrifuging 96 well plate - (reply: 1)
916. confused by a simple question on concentration caculation - (reply: 3)
917. Pipettes use - (reply: 14)
918. concentration question - (reply: 6)
919. about DEPC and its hazardous effects - (reply: 1)
920. Theory behind coomassie stain/destain? - Does adding tissue to the destain really speed destaining? (reply: 7)
921. quantitation/quantification - what is the difference? (reply: 1)
922. Molecular weight and Centrifugation: Help! - (reply: 1)
923. methanol on polyacrylamide - (reply: 1)
924. Chloroplast DNA southern blot - (reply: 1)
925. Help! SDS-PAGE interpretation - (reply: 4)
926. Problem with TriReagnt - (reply: 11)
927. Can you make nuclease free water or does it need to be bought in? - (reply: 11)
928. SDS-PAGE and native PAge with BSA and albumin - (reply: 1)
929. electroporation using Electroporator2510 - Time Const has just 2 msec (reply: 1)
930. Trigalsky spatula turns black in flame - (reply: 2)