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151. Need math formulas - Dilution (reply: 2)
152. Stacking gel necessary? - (reply: 5)
153. thaw samples? - (reply: 6)
154. how to check concentration of dNTP I bought - (reply: 3)
155. Can organisms feed with vibrations or thermal infrared? - (reply: 1)
156. Another Dilution Problem... - Molar solutions... (reply: 18)
157. sybr green vs sybr gold - (reply: 3)
158. genomic DNA storage - (reply: 3)
159. Eppendorf Multipette Plus - (reply: 1)
160. how to prepare blocking antibody - (reply: 1)
161. calculating units and concentrations - (reply: 5)
162. Problems with DMSO,Salt out! - (reply: 4)
163. Why the addition of restriction sites to primers? - (reply: 3)
164. BL21 and LB media - (reply: 3)
165. Sterilization technique for gel - (reply: 3)
166. HELP No DNA after Nucleic Acid Extraction (Qiagen kit) - (reply: 13)
167. Centrifuge Tubes for JLA 10.500 rotor - where to purchase? (reply: 2)
168. TC Hood & incubator contamianted - (reply: 3)
169. Ligation using TA cloning - (reply: 1)
170. Caps up or down - Curious what other people do... (reply: 8)
171. Dilution Problem! - Making up molar solutions.... (reply: 8)
172. where is the best place to perform the RNA extraction work and the relevant? - (reply: 2)
173. Maxiprep problem - Add ethanol before isopropanol (reply: 1)
174. PCR components/DNA sample optimal amounts - ul of DNA and each component for a good reaction. (reply: 10)
175. harvest DNA or RNA from paraffinembedded tissue? - Is it possible to use a block of tissue for other analysis than IHC? (reply: 4)
176. Elution problem in Protein G column - Guide me (reply: 2)
177. precipitation of protein (PI=9.5) but not DNA - I need protein free sample for DNA quantification (reply: 2)
178. Chromium Release Assay - Troubleshoot (reply: 4)
179. heparin in DNA - no working PCR (reply: 4)
180. Anyone knows Components of the lysis buffer of Qiagen DNA Isolation Kit - (reply: 1)