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451. dried SDS-PAGE - (reply: 4)
452. Southern Blot - What is the purpose of the reagents?? (reply: 1)
453. cDNA - (reply: 4)
454. How to carry out an assay to study the activity of gamma-GTP? - (reply: 4)
455. basic dilution question for making gels - (reply: 1)
456. What is wet ice? - (reply: 9)
457. sterile working microbiology cellbiology: need a book - laminar air flow , cleaning, autoclave (reply: 2)
458. Question about autoclaving and drying - (reply: 6)
459. OD 600 , confusing - (reply: 2)
460. Cell isolation from tissue -- how do you tell how many viable cells you get? - (reply: 3)
461. cyanobacteria inoculation by phage - inoculation of cyanobacteria by phage (reply: 1)
462. expiry date 32P dCTP radioactive probe? - (reply: 3)
463. 20bp ladder doesnot open fully even in 4% NuSieve - (reply: 15)
464. How to convert specific gravity into molarity? - (reply: 6)
465. Src kinase assay - (reply: 3)
466. Small DNA fragments, which electrophoresis shoudl i choose? - (reply: 10)
467. Conversion of units! - (reply: 4)
468. Dissolving polyacrylamide ? - (reply: 8)
469. Centrifugation speed for adherent cell line - (reply: 11)
470. about immunoprecipitation - (reply: 2)
471. How to fix Pseudomonas in Nutirent broth - (reply: 1)
472. What can survive autoclaving? - (reply: 16)
473. Dissolving Pepstatin A in DMSO - (reply: 2)
474. how to prepare EDTA wash - (reply: 12)
475. how to dissolve 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) - (reply: 1)
476. Question about RNA storage technique - many questions, please help (reply: 6)
477. minimum mRNA concentration for RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
478. Stock solutions? - Does anyone use them?? (reply: 3)
479. Qiagen gel extraction accident. - is all lost? (reply: 1)
480. I need a protocol for the FRET analysis. - (reply: 10)