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Top : Forum Archives: : General-Lab-Techniques
181. What is the most sensitive assay for promoter strength? - dual luciferase assay? GFP? SEAP assay? Miller or something else? (reply: 3)
182. Pulse vortex - (reply: 2)
183. protein concentration - calculation question (reply: 2)
184. How to dilute from stock to get the right conc? - (reply: 6)
185. About hydrated chemicals - Sodium acetate (reply: 4)
186. Storage of solutions - (reply: 5)
187. Help with MTT assay - MTT assay nto working (reply: 4)
188. Loading control for Western blots - (reply: 1)
189. Looking for good biology books - (reply: 8)
190. Sequencing a stretch of Ts - (reply: 4)
191. Mean of Three - Triplicates (reply: 7)
192. TUNEL problems - (reply: 3)
193. agarose gel electrophoresis - Question (reply: 3)
194. Criostat Cleaning and Safety. Welcoming suggestions. - I need to post general Criostat Safety and Cleaning Instructions. (reply: 3)
195. OD600 variation in different spectrometers - (reply: 1)
196. Na Acetate Buffer calculation - (reply: 1)
197. Reasons for peak broadening in GC - (reply: 2)
198. His Antibody - Is any worked with 4xHIs tag protein (reply: 1)
199. sequencing problems: chromatogram attached - messy peak data (reply: 6)
200. What's the difference between KH2PO4 and K2HPO4 in MOPS media? - (reply: 3)
201. Digest Buffer Precipitation - Na2HPO4, L-Cysteine, EDTA (reply: 4)
202. collagen inhibitor (or a way to remove it) - (reply: 4)
203. Cell Counting in Hemocytometer - Teach me short cut to count in this chamber (reply: 13)
204. No pellets forming after centrifuging...Help! - (reply: 11)
205. isolation of organisms from sample - (reply: 5)
206. Fixation - How do we determine if fixation is done in right manner (reply: 2)
207. Buffers - (reply: 5)
208. SDS-PAGE - (reply: 1)
209. Acid in Dialysis Tubing - probably a stupid question (reply: 2)
210. Towbin Buffer - how often re-usage is possible (reply: 3)