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61. How to do agitation? - (reply: 4)
62. Autoclaving Glucose - (reply: 5)
63. 0.2 M sodium acetate buffer at pH 3.0 - (reply: 2)
64. Phenol Extraction - Stupidity? (reply: 1)
65. EDTA and EGTA into solution - EDTA and EGTA into solution (reply: 5)
66. Calculation help - (reply: 4)
67. Decontamination and prevention of a waterbath - (reply: 3)
68. Curcumin - solubility of Curcumin in saline (reply: 1)
69. Size Exclusion Chromatography - Reference Standard For Human Albumin SiZe Exclusion Chromatography (reply: 2)
70. phenol turns pink after adding it to the sample - phenol:chloroform DNA extraction (reply: 6)
71. Basic Calculation Question - (reply: 3)
72. estimation of DNA mass using software - (reply: 2)
73. convert w/v% to v/v% - (reply: 1)
74. Protein identification - (reply: 1)
75. Drying 0.1 M HCL lysate - (reply: 1)
76. Measuring Ethidium Bromide without DNA - (reply: 5)
77. RNA extraction using qiagen RNeasy mini kit - (reply: 4)
78. Good DNA quantity with nanodrop but nothing on the gel - (reply: 8)
79. How much oligo dT cDNA to use in PCR - (reply: 3)
80. triton x-100 - (reply: 1)
81. protein gel electrophoresis - (reply: 7)
82. Negative reading on Shimadzu - (reply: 1)
83. Cleaning protocol for bearing balls? - (reply: 2)
84. Southern Blot Insanity - (reply: 2)
85. Where do we store Laemmli? - (reply: 2)
86. 10X Maleic Acid Buffer - (reply: 1)
87. different percent gels - question (reply: 10)
88. Approximating SDS-PAGE running times - (reply: 4)
89. Water Bath Disinfectants with color indicator - Suggestion for brands and companies (reply: 3)
90. Identifying Carbohydrates and Lipids - (reply: 2)