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Top : Forum Archives: : General-Lab-Techniques
1801. actinomycin D treatment - treatment (reply: 1)
1802. Toxicity of DMSO? - (reply: 2)
1803. How to make malonate buffer? - (reply: 1)
1804. How to remove salt from a sugar solution? - Removing KH2PO4 from glucose solution (reply: 7)
1805. Help RNA and protein extraction - i dont understand the chemistry behind it (reply: 3)
1806. DNA, RNA and protein extraction using basic solution - (reply: 4)
1807. what makes electroporation cuvette "bang"? - (reply: 7)
1808. How to remove bacteriophage - (reply: 1)
1809. smear problem - (reply: 2)
1810. Sonication & RNA - (reply: 1)
1811. TriReagent for protein isolation? - (reply: 3)
1812. How to plate bacteria? - (reply: 3)
1813. Introduction into flow cytometry - need help to start! (reply: 4)
1814. Phage precipitation techniques? - (reply: 1)
1815. Making Tris Buffers of Various pH's by Mixing Tris acid and Tris Base - No HCL needed (reply: 5)
1816. trying to find small coverslips - (reply: 1)
1817. washing electroporation cuvettes - can't get rid of contaminants (reply: 5)
1818. Protease K preparation without Ca2+, Whether the Protease K acitivity is affecte - help me! (reply: 2)
1819. BSA required for fatty acid induced CCK ? - (reply: 1)
1820. DNA extraction by TRIzol - (reply: 2)
1821. RNA sample stuck in well during agarose electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
1822. Slow freezing and thawing of FCS - (reply: 1)
1823. DNA Microarrays with materials from paraffin blocks - (reply: 4)
1824. Apramycin plates - (reply: 4)
1825. Spce RNA/DNA Quartz curvette? - (reply: 4)
1826. Synchronize hela cells with double thymidine block - mechanism of double thymidine block (reply: 1)
1827. Please help with Collagenase Type I - (reply: 5)
1828. membrane protein - (reply: 1)
1829. How to get rid of Comassie - (reply: 3)
1830. calculation problem - (reply: 11)