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121. n-Lauroylsarcosine - (reply: 1)
122. Soft agar colony - Problems to stain (reply: 3)
123. DNA Gel - (reply: 7)
124. Is MilliQ and Millipore water nuclease free? - (reply: 9)
125. can I autoclave agarose? - (reply: 3)
126. RFP <> dsRed? - (reply: 3)
127. cell culture - (reply: 1)
128. RNA extraction - precipitation - (reply: 3)
129. EDTA/ Disodium EDTA - buffer prep question (reply: 1)
130. synovial fluid - (reply: 2)
131. % Cytotoxicity or Relative Cell Damage less than zero - What does it imply? (reply: 4)
132. what happened to the blood samples - (reply: 9)
133. preparation of bacteria for SEM - fast method for bacteria preparation (reply: 2)
134. southern blot probe (help......) - (reply: 1)
135. Glueing - (reply: 3)
136. Incubator contamination - red swipe from incubator interior (reply: 1)
137. Need math formulas - Dilution (reply: 2)
138. Stacking gel necessary? - (reply: 5)
139. thaw samples? - (reply: 6)
140. how to check concentration of dNTP I bought - (reply: 3)
141. Can organisms feed with vibrations or thermal infrared? - (reply: 1)
142. Another Dilution Problem... - Molar solutions... (reply: 18)
143. sybr green vs sybr gold - (reply: 3)
144. genomic DNA storage - (reply: 3)
145. Eppendorf Multipette Plus - (reply: 1)
146. how to prepare blocking antibody - (reply: 1)
147. calculating units and concentrations - (reply: 5)
148. Problems with DMSO,Salt out! - (reply: 4)
149. Why the addition of restriction sites to primers? - (reply: 3)
150. BL21 and LB media - (reply: 3)