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421. ELISA - coating antibody (reply: 3)
422. static electricity on plastic scintillation vials - (reply: 5)
423. Southern blotting using various probes on one blot - (reply: 2)
424. DNA and RNA concentration - (reply: 3)
425. DEX induction - (reply: 3)
426. plasma concentration of tranexamic acid - (reply: 1)
427. mrna size 2to construct cDNA libary - what is the size of mRNA Needed 2 work cDNA libary (reply: 1)
428. Calculating cells/well in a 96-well plate - Calculating cells/well in a 96-well plate (reply: 8)
429. MTT assay- consistently low absorbance readings - (reply: 18)
430. cell counting again - (reply: 2)
431. How to send cells for immunfluorescent staining? - (reply: 8)
432. Na-K phosphate buffer recipe? - (reply: 2)
433. expiry dates...! - (reply: 6)
434. DMSO concentration - (reply: 2)
435. how to convert molar solutions - (reply: 4)
436. Help with Maxiprep plasmid low ratio - (reply: 2)
437. dried SDS-PAGE - (reply: 4)
438. Southern Blot - What is the purpose of the reagents?? (reply: 1)
439. cDNA - (reply: 4)
440. How to carry out an assay to study the activity of gamma-GTP? - (reply: 4)
441. basic dilution question for making gels - (reply: 1)
442. What is wet ice? - (reply: 9)
443. sterile working microbiology cellbiology: need a book - laminar air flow , cleaning, autoclave (reply: 2)
444. Question about autoclaving and drying - (reply: 6)
445. OD 600 , confusing - (reply: 2)
446. Cell isolation from tissue -- how do you tell how many viable cells you get? - (reply: 3)
447. cyanobacteria inoculation by phage - inoculation of cyanobacteria by phage (reply: 1)
448. expiry date 32P dCTP radioactive probe? - (reply: 3)
449. 20bp ladder doesnot open fully even in 4% NuSieve - (reply: 15)
450. How to convert specific gravity into molarity? - (reply: 6)