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631. dilution help - correction? (reply: 1)
632. Another one worries about ethidium bromide contamination - (reply: 10)
633. Waters 600 HPLC - Estimation of concentration for an unkowon peak (reply: 1)
634. difference between precipipitating DNA with ethanol and isopropanol - (reply: 4)
635. Integrity of overhang after digestion - (reply: 3)
636. BUFFER CALCULATION - (reply: 1)
637. Question::Absorbance of TCEP - (reply: 1)
638. three- color analyses - (reply: 3)
639. RNA liophylization - (reply: 5)
640. Why my RNA absorbance reading shown negative? - (reply: 11)
641. large size genomic DNA isolation - (reply: 4)
642. Saccharomyces cervisiae growth conditions? - (reply: 3)
643. non-specific binding in western blotting - non-specific binding in western blotting (reply: 7)
644. dilution question - basic question (reply: 1)
645. buffer components - (reply: 2)
646. Sterilization of DMSO-Nile Blue A methods - (reply: 1)
647. Ethidium Bromide - (reply: 2)
648. Expiry dates for general molecular biology reagents - (reply: 13)
649. sticky and blunt DNA on gel migration - (reply: 5)
650. Help in making up a buffer - (reply: 13)
651. UV plates - (reply: 1)
652. overlap pcr - protocols (reply: 1)
653. Immunoprecipitation of tubulin from brain homogenate - (reply: 2)
654. Maximum solubility of genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
655. analytical method validation.. robustness? - what do u do as robustness..?? purpose of it?? (reply: 1)
656. Lab Tek II Chamber Slides - feedback from users needed (reply: 2)
657. Double restriction enzyme digest - (reply: 3)
658. how does lysis solution - (reply: 3)
659. Rnase Activity Assay - (reply: 5)
660. Amido black staining - (reply: 1)