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2041. How to pipet small volumes - (reply: 3)
2042. plasmid DNA isolation - problem in plasmid DNA isolation (reply: 3)
2043. troubleshooting DNA salt-out isolation - too much goo (reply: 2)
2044. How to remove nucleic acids contamination from bench surface - (reply: 10)
2045. How to sterilize disposable electroporation cuvettes - For Pichia Pastoris transformation (reply: 6)
2046. What is the BEST way to extract total RNA? - (reply: 12)
2047. Gel extraxction question - (reply: 6)
2048. Simple method for lymphocyte extraction - (reply: 2)
2049. too low DNA conc. after! - (reply: 1)
2050. inter- and intra-assay validation - (reply: 1)
2051. Protein pellet solubilization trouble - (reply: 2)
2052. About skim milk for blocking the membrane - (reply: 7)
2053. what would you do to see if a hairpin is formed? - (reply: 1)
2054. western blot samples trouble - (reply: 6)
2055. Is it ok to re-use Western Transfer Buffer - (reply: 4)
2056. concentration of cDNA after reverse transcription? - (reply: 5)
2057. Can antibodies and proteins be vortexed? - (reply: 4)
2058. Phenol:chloroform RNA extraction method - How it work... (reply: 2)
2059. SDS-PAGE gel not polymerize - (reply: 11)
2060. Chloroform and DNA precipitation - (reply: 2)
2061. While precipitating the nucleotide acid - (reply: 3)
2062. Southern blotting - use new stack each time? - Or can you re-use the paper towels? (reply: 2)
2063. CD14+ blood monocytes isolation - (reply: 3)
2064. How to prevent membrane bound receptor from endocytosis - (reply: 2)
2065. Estradiol Radioimmunoassay - Problems with extraction (reply: 1)
2066. Is Tris-Cl the same as Tris-HCl? - (reply: 2)
2067. Chemiluminescence - protocol help (reply: 1)
2068. Conversion from Daltons to grams - (reply: 2)
2069. Does DMSO destroy RNase?? - (reply: 2)
2070. Immunoblot (Western Blot) Question - Trying to nut out a question my demonstrator asked (reply: 1)