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1981. Problem when over adjusting pH - (reply: 1)
1982. Gram stain basic question - (reply: 2)
1983. Comet assay - AGAR not sticking - (reply: 3)
1984. "OD260 units" - concentration vs. absolute amount - nucleic acid quantification (reply: 4)
1985. 2X LB media - (reply: 2)
1986. Can't get rid of RNA in my phage extraction. - (reply: 4)
1987. how to isolate Genomic DNA of pichia pastoris ? - (reply: 1)
1988. how accurate Nanodrop could be? - (reply: 6)
1989. help! t4 kinase reaction - Does SDS inactivates the enzyme? (reply: 4)
1990. Storing low conc plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
1991. DNA + RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
1992. how to determine the concentration of H2O2 stock? - (reply: 1)
1993. Plastic cuvette for UV spectrum - Could be used? (reply: 12)
1994. questions about RNase A storage - enzyme manipulation (reply: 2)
1995. Ethidium bromide safety precautions in your lab - Just curious to see how they differ (reply: 17)
1996. How to resuspend Tamoxifen powder? - (reply: 1)
1997. alkaline lysis - (reply: 3)
1998. western blot forgot to transfer - (reply: 2)
1999. DNA vaccine vectors - (reply: 1)
2000. Measuring concentration of dye labelled nuclein acids - (reply: 4)
2001. Problems with MES - autoclavable?? (reply: 6)
2002. RNA isolation - question about kits (reply: 3)
2003. cryo-preservation - Glycerol concentration (reply: 4)
2004. Problem when making PAGE gel - (reply: 7)
2005. ligation problem of double digested products - (reply: 3)
2006. can i autoclave agarose gel with TAE buffer - (reply: 4)
2007. cuvettes for spectrophotometry - (reply: 3)
2008. why balancing for centrifuge - (reply: 2)
2009. Extracting DNA from whole blood - (reply: 4)
2010. PCR Supermix vs Roche - (reply: 3)