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1591. pH of 10% SDS - (reply: 4)
1592. inkubator sterilization - (reply: 3)
1593. Different conformation of DNA after gel extraction? - (reply: 6)
1594. How to seperate DNA fragment with same size.but different sequences - (reply: 4)
1595. transformaiton of mini prep sample - (reply: 3)
1596. tris - (reply: 2)
1597. concentration calculation - (reply: 7)
1598. Problem with protein dialysis - (reply: 5)
1599. MgCl vs MgSO4 for PCR - (reply: 2)
1600. transfecting DNA into Jurkat cell - (reply: 1)
1601. protein tranfer from gel to membrane, reversible ? - (reply: 2)
1602. Tryphan Blue staining for cell viability - (reply: 1)
1603. How do those hand held automatic pipettes work? - (reply: 29)
1604. SDS becoming yellow - (reply: 3)
1605. Transfection Efficiency - (reply: 14)
1606. Cleaning >30kb dna - (reply: 1)
1607. radiosafety with TRITIUM labeled steroids - (reply: 2)
1608. Spectronic 21D - problem on spectrophotometry (reply: 1)
1609. How to make aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) solution? - (reply: 1)
1610. Silver Staining - (reply: 7)
1611. DNA stability/degradation over time - (reply: 5)
1612. Borate buffer recipe - (reply: 16)
1613. MOPS - (reply: 1)
1614. Prepare 10% SDS - (reply: 3)
1615. question about phosphate buffer? - (reply: 1)
1616. WHat's the difference between Protein A and G? - (reply: 2)
1617. temp for ligation - (reply: 2)
1618. DNA purity for ligation - (reply: 1)
1619. culture time for maxi prep - (reply: 3)
1620. How to do calculations in bradford method? - How to do calculations in bradford method? (reply: 3)