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Top : Forum Archives: : General-Lab-Techniques
331. Focus and Alignment of Mercury Lamp in Olympus microscopes - (reply: 1)
332. DNA sequencing - (reply: 1)
333. How to dissolve Na actetate 3M or NaCl 5M - (reply: 5)
334. Protocols for Preparation of cell lysate from tissue sample - (reply: 3)
335. lowest concentration of RNA - to be visible on gel (reply: 3)
336. MTT: absorbance over the control - (reply: 2)
337. DNA cleanup - (reply: 1)
338. Why hepes buffer turned yellow - (reply: 4)
339. conference in complemet, immunology and autoimmunity - how can i found out conferences in my field (reply: 1)
340. autoclavable chemicals - (reply: 1)
341. Ca+2 chelators - (reply: 3)
342. Beta mercapta ethanol - (reply: 3)
343. DNA not dissolving - (reply: 4)
344. Silica Gel Chromatography beginners questions - Need some help getting started... (reply: 1)
345. Counting cells - To spin or not to spin... (reply: 1)
346. contamination of DNA in protein sample - (reply: 1)
347. Which brands of pipettes are the best - (reply: 41)
348. Graph with error bars - how do I do them? - (reply: 3)
349. Help for PCR - (reply: 1)
350. PCR Help! - Primers-quality checking software (reply: 3)
351. SYBR Gold - which ladder to use? (reply: 2)
352. protein extraction - (reply: 1)
353. Protein into the membrane - (reply: 2)
354. aminoglycoside antibiotic.. rp-isocratic lc.. no retention? - (reply: 2)
355. Molarity of multicomponent buffer solutions - (reply: 3)
356. How much RNA at least on agarose gel? - (reply: 3)
357. chloroform resistance - (reply: 4)
358. double beam spectrophotometer.. do u have to blank before reading? - or the reference serves the purpose? (reply: 5)
359. plasmid prep - help (reply: 8)
360. How to obtain serum from blood - (reply: 4)