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1081. making antisense probes from construct - which direction? (reply: 2)
1082. Does LB AMP XGal IPTG plates - for only Amp selection.. (reply: 4)
1083. streak bacteria, what does this mean - (reply: 2)
1084. DNA extraction from saliva samples - (reply: 3)
1085. Is it necessary to DEPC treat ? - (reply: 8)
1086. RNase and DNase free? - water (reply: 2)
1087. ligation problem - (reply: 6)
1088. BSA concentration (and dilutions) for PCR - (reply: 2)
1089. glass beads wash - how to wash them (reply: 3)
1090. How do you extract juice from fruits for an ABTS assay? - (reply: 1)
1091. cryopreservation agent missing in frozen cell stock - (reply: 3)
1092. problem in dissolving the amphotericin B - please suggest ? (reply: 7)
1093. Problem with Antioxidant capacity - rescue me!!! (reply: 3)
1094. Gel Electrophoresis Bowed Migration Pattern Troubleshooting - (reply: 3)
1095. Sub-G1 FACS analysis - basic question (reply: 6)
1096. microinjection of oocytes - (reply: 1)
1097. DNA purity - 260/230... (reply: 7)
1098. Problem with agarose gel? or with RNA ? - (reply: 7)
1099. In gel electrophoresis... - (reply: 2)
1100. Disolving chloramphenicol (EtOH/H2O) - I dissolved chloramphenicol in H2o... (reply: 4)
1101. What style do scientific journals use to write the methods of an experiment? - (reply: 1)
1102. determining efficiency of RNase treatment - (reply: 1)
1103. DMSO with DNA - How much damage (reply: 1)
1104. Aerobic Plate Counts of Food - (reply: 3)
1105. Adenovirus Purification: CsCl solution sould be fresh? - Double CsCl Gradient (reply: 1)
1106. PCR problem with CGG repeats - (reply: 4)
1107. some formulas - convert ng DNA/RNA/ml into copies/ml (reply: 3)
1108. How to solubilize Geldanamycin - (reply: 4)
1109. How to dissolve nicotinamide? - (reply: 4)
1110. Possible ethidium bromide contamination - (reply: 3)