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1351. Tris Buffers vs. pH Electrodes - (reply: 1)
1352. buffy coat preparation - (reply: 3)
1353. calculation again? - (reply: 8)
1354. NaCl insolubility in which alcool? - (reply: 1)
1355. small protein - (reply: 2)
1356. dNTP dilution for PCR - (reply: 4)
1357. How to remove traces of ethanol after RNA wash - (reply: 5)
1358. difference between two chemical - (reply: 2)
1359. Ethanol precipitation following sucrose gradient - problem - (reply: 7)
1360. How do you store your gels? - (reply: 8)
1361. Precautions when using Azide - (reply: 3)
1362. Triglycerides in culture medium - (reply: 2)
1363. Agarose gel for 580bp DNA - What are the suitable conditions? (reply: 8)
1364. 0,2uM is 100ng of a 18-mer primer - (reply: 8)
1365. calculation question - (reply: 6)
1366. Why SDS page gel have to prepared freshly? - (reply: 6)
1367. general protein confimation in lysis buffer - effect of reducing agents (reply: 5)
1368. Is it safe to sterilize DMSO using autoclave? - (reply: 8)
1369. Heating during lysis - (reply: 3)
1370. some basic question - some basic question (reply: 1)
1371. How to I make 30mL of a 2% sol'n from 16% stock? - (reply: 3)
1372. PEG to seperate Plasmide from Protein? - (reply: 2)
1373. Exonuclease and Phosphotase contamination - (reply: 4)
1374. Precipitate formation of BSA + DTT - (reply: 9)
1375. Freeze drying protocol - What is a universal tube? (reply: 3)
1376. Problems plating E. Coli - Even puc18 won't grow for me... (reply: 6)
1377. Help! Concentrated Ethidium bromide on skin - (reply: 5)
1378. Silver Staining Protocol for DNA - EDTA solution concentration missing (reply: 1)
1379. can't stop the precipitate! - adding cacl2 to pk buffer (reply: 6)
1380. SDS AND SARCOSYL - (reply: 8)