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Top : Forum Archives: : General-Lab-Techniques
1561. Quick help on determining protein size - (reply: 3)
1562. Preparation of brain lysate - is ultracentrifugation necessary? (reply: 2)
1563. Difference between Mass Spectrometry and NMR - (reply: 1)
1564. Sterilization problems - (reply: 1)
1565. phenol-chloroform or just chloroform - (reply: 1)
1566. DEPC before or after solution preparation?... - (reply: 4)
1567. adenovirus purification - (reply: 1)
1568. adding and adding DNase ...still viscous... - (reply: 2)
1569. alkaline phosphatase and PBS - (reply: 3)
1570. LB broth or NZY Broth - (reply: 2)
1571. How to calculate protein size in Kilodaltons - (reply: 6)
1572. why overnight culture is necessary - (reply: 3)
1573. Does this qualify as potassium phosphate buffer? - (reply: 3)
1574. Problem pouring SDS-PAGE gel - (reply: 9)
1575. Protein estimation - (reply: 7)
1576. Enzyme Heat Shock - (reply: 3)
1577. estimation method for amide group - (reply: 1)
1578. Control Vector - (reply: 4)
1579. VERTICAL DGGE GEL - (reply: 5)
1580. Is it possible to make 10M NaCl? - (reply: 14)
1581. help for coloration masson's trichrome - (reply: 1)
1582. need help with calcium phosphate gel - (reply: 5)
1583. what is 5' RACE - (reply: 3)
1584. How to freeze dry / lyophilize enzymes in microplate wells - (reply: 1)
1585. cleaning the polytron to remove contamination - (reply: 3)
1586. Check purity of collagen with HPLC? - (reply: 1)
1587. removal of ethidium bromide - (reply: 1)
1588. CO2 incubator need help bad - (reply: 3)
1589. making reading frame - (reply: 1)
1590. Is it good to replace SOC medium by LB? - (reply: 9)