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961. Dialysate concentration by PEG 35k - (reply: 1)
962. Reusing plastic cuvettes - How many times one can reuse a simple plastic cuvette? (reply: 4)
963. melting a polyacrylamide gel? urgent - (reply: 6)
964. enzyme assay - (reply: 5)
965. about Filter Paper Assay - some quiry (reply: 3)
966. mRNA half life calculation - log graph - linear or exp regression??????? HELP!!! (reply: 1)
967. Stock Concentration of Solvents - (reply: 2)
968. Continuous Density Gradient in a Vertical rotor - Centrifugation (reply: 2)
969. Trouble staining for Fluorescent Microscopy - unspecific labeling (reply: 2)
970. Locate a lab for PCR and Gel work - (reply: 2)
971. DNA ligation - problem with purification (reply: 4)
972. dna purification - (reply: 1)
973. Which bands for pET in agarosegel ? - (reply: 1)
974. stored bacteria - quick question (reply: 3)
975. moving of gel - from gel plate (reply: 4)
976. making insert from miniprep DNA - (reply: 11)
977. DNA, RNA storage - (reply: 6)
978. why is dna run on urea pages,what is the specific function of urea in the page - (reply: 5)
979. water quality control - (reply: 2)
980. agarose gel melted after 4h running.. - (reply: 11)
981. bio assays - (reply: 4)
982. Removing Raffinose - (reply: 4)
983. long pCR kit - (reply: 4)
984. ccdB competent cells - (reply: 2)
985. ELISA - ELISA validation (reply: 3)
986. UV LAMP in CHEMICAL HOOD - (reply: 2)
987. Codon Usage in Yeast 2 Hybrid - (reply: 1)
988. How many days can fiexed cells be left before running flow - (reply: 1)
989. lids, up or down? - (reply: 6)
990. Buffer BPTE for DNA electrophoresis - (reply: 3)