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241. Stickers for labeling tubes in -80C freezer - (reply: 4)
242. Combination freezer/fridge? - (reply: 5)
243. How long are LB-agar plates good for? - (reply: 4)
244. measurement wavelength and reference wavelength - how to choose the suitable wavelength for colorimetric assay? (reply: 5)
245. Proper handling of radioisotope after kinase assay: - Help needed (reply: 3)
246. Sodium phosphate buffer preparation - pH adjustment (reply: 5)
247. mj tetrad thermal cycler - (reply: 1)
249. prediction of nuclear localization signal - (reply: 1)
250. Growth chamber - something wrong ! (reply: 1)
251. MOPS vs HEPES - which one do I use? (reply: 1)
252. Cell culture unidentifiable 'contaminant' - weird things appearing in my culture (reply: 1)
253. Tris that smells like TEMED - (reply: 2)
254. Bovine serum albumin preparation 6 mg/ml for biuret method for total protein - Bovine serum albumin preparation 6 mg/ml for biuret method for total (reply: 4)
255. ddephosphorylating proteins using acid phosphatase - (reply: 1)
256. Impurities in PBS - any suggestions (reply: 7)
257. microscope slide boxes - (reply: 2)
258. Reducing non-specific binding in a radioligand binding assay - (reply: 1)
259. Advice on methodology for ImageJ - (reply: 1)
260. Laminar flow hood (again) - Do you use bunsen burner? (reply: 4)
261. how to make 0.05M HCl - (reply: 1)
262. Help preparing TE to dissolve RNA - (reply: 2)
263. 1% tween - (reply: 2)
264. How to prepare 0.5M NaOH; 50mM EDTA? - (reply: 2)
265. tris buffer - tris base or hcl (reply: 5)
266. Antithrombin III from human plasma IU - (reply: 2)
267. How to get rid of contamination in human PBMC culture? - Been having problem in culturing human PBMC (reply: 5)
268. 1N NaOH solution can be autoclaved? - (reply: 13)
269. How much media needed for cells in different cell culture plates - (reply: 3)
270. Screen for Pathogenicity - (reply: 3)